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Messages - mylissa

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:19:10 pm »
I like to play as scar on any TLK RPs. My most favorite character on FH is Spirit Stallion. Spirit's group is:  :.The Cimarron Herd.:

i'll try someone and i'm sure it will help me

Well ok and I can't change to title or is it that you can't change the title? Also where can you chat with the staff. Oh and Feareh i like your picture.

ok so really i'll update that right now and i got banned so i can't go on any maps because i have some flies in my Feral Heart so yeah.

i'm having a problem with Feral Heart. I can't get on any maps because when i go in a portal i don't get any bad tokens,only
failed to connect to map server,Retry? if you would be so kind of as to vote for what i should do please vote because I have a RP on Sam Werewolf pup and i really need to go to Cape of Distant Worlds for the RP.

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