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Messages - Redic

Pages: [1]
Characters / Re: Hidetoshi~
« on: May 10, 2012, 03:16:37 am »
And yes, I'm actually letting anyone adopt him.
In RP, not take him from me Dx
You can take him as your birth pup, or adopted pup.

Characters / Hidetoshi~
« on: May 10, 2012, 03:15:29 am »
Name: Hidetoshi.
Pronunciation: He-DAY-toe-she.
Age: Two months.
Gender: Male.
Species: Thanatos Hokkaido Wolf.
Mate: Too young.
Spawn: Again, too young.
Kin: -open-

Personality: When Hidetoshi was in his old pack, another older pup, Faolan, told him that if he ate enough poison ivy that he would be able to speak to spirits. Being young and impressionable, Hidetoshi began to develop a little bit of a problem with the herb. He isn't able to speak to spirits, but he does often behave in a crazy manner, rolling around in the grass and sometimes behaving in a slightly paranoid manner. Because of this, Hidetoshi is very distracted from the normal duties of a pup, and he needs some help to keep him focusing on what he's supposed to be doing on a day to day basis.

Hidetoshi is very, very impressionable. He will believe almost anything he's told and this, too, can get him into quite a bit of trouble. He isn't stupid, but he does have a difficult time focusing for long enough to think for himself, and it is so much easier to allow somebody else to think for you.

Hidetoshi bonds strongly with those who keep at him (nag him) and who help him to do the right thing when he's struggling with basic concepts, including concepts of "right" and "wrong" as they pertain to pack politics. While he doesn't always do the right thing, he does try very hard to make everybody happy, all the time, and can be easily hurt if he feels as though he's being scolded or corrected.

Faced with correction, Hidetoshi behaves in a dejected, rather than an angry manner, and some wolves may feel guilty for having corrected him in the first place.

Presets & Markings / Re: Kinen's Presets! <3 (2 slots open!)
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:19:37 pm »
I would like you to make me a preset for my character Drez. He's a little insane, so yeah. xD
If it's possible, make the tongue neon green as shown in the picture, and also, make the pupils white, if you can.
If it's impossible to make the pupils white (because I know you can make the tongue any color), make them black. Dx
His eyes are a dark red, pawpads are yellow.

And yes, add that pawprint on his flank. NOT on the other side, though. His mane should be two colors: red and neon green. Realistic fur texture would be nice as well. Everything is pretty much symmetrical, besides the markings on his legs, and the pawprint. Shouldn't be that hard.  8)

P.S. I'm sorry it's super detailed and at times confusing, but, it's worth it. It comes with a benefit: One happy customer!  ;D

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