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Messages - Loki Laufeyson

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / Re: Loki Laufeyson; The real Loki
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:35:51 am »
Yes! It definately is wonderful to see those who know their stuff~ keep this entry in mind as I'll be updating it with random facts here as there. :) Beautiful preset by the way, and I'm awe-struck that you'd be willing to share it with me.

Keep on reading those Eddas- you never know what you'll find! ;) Hope to see you as well.
--(I have to side with you on the fact that Hiddleston is an amazing Loki~)--

Member Bio & Journals / Loki Laufeyson; The real Loki
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:41:54 pm »
So we all know that after the magic that was "Thor" and "the Avengers", that there are many, many Loki's out and about. But how many know their real myths and legends? Here is a little bit about 'Loki' that I'm almost positive you didn't know.

Loki has been also known as Lopt or Loptr
Loki was the son of two Frost Giants. One named Laufey, the other Farbauti.
Laufey was his mother, not his father.
He has two sons by Sigyn: Nari(Narfi) and Vali (Ali).
Three children by the giantess Angroboda: Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel.
One child from the bridge-builder's horse Svadilfari: Slepnir.
(Also, possibly an unknown number of children by a troll/giant on Midgard *This was an accusation made by Odin*)
Relations With the Aesir
Loki was actually Odin's blood brother.
Loki was actually best friends with Thor.
Loki's Dastardly Deeds
(Will be updated soon)

(Will be updated (Not often enough... ). Feel free to ask questions~!)

About Me:

My name is Lauren, and I am not a guy. I just find them fun to rp as~
Despite my age, I'm a bright individual, preferring to stick to myths, art, and music as my areas of interest.
Hopefully going to the NYCDA for college.
((I will be gone MOST of August for an Acting camp out West... I won't be able to modify this often... ))

Site/Forum Help / FH Website Login Trouble
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:10:44 pm »
It's still not working. Even from my phone or my friend's computer. I try to log in but it acts like I never put anything in. Please help me fix this problem!

Site/Forum Help / Re: Login Mess-up?
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:38:58 pm »
Nope. Deleted all the cookies and even allowed FH full access. It still does this. It's so weird, it's like FH isn't recognizing the login whatsoever.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Login Mess-up?
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:29:01 pm »
Will do, Thanks. Logging in and out doesn't seem to help... Just found out from a friend that she's having the same troubles as well.

Site/Forum Help / Login Mess-up?
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:09:54 pm »
So I'm logged in but I can not access any of the chat area stuff... It says I'm logged out but I'm not. Someone help! I'm not sure how I can get here though, but it seriously says I'm logged in but treats me like I'm logged out. D:

Pages: [1]