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Messages - Zandrammas

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     Of what strange curiousity has led you here, my child? This is no ordinary role-play in which you have stumbled upon. We are the descendants of the Gods, yet bear no powers. Why is this, you ask? Because they were stolen from us. Ripped away by those who gave it to us, and abandoned by our own parents. We were once prosperous! We had built great towers of stone, and temples of marble! Now those great structures have all but crumbled away with time and have partially returned to the earth. We no longer have the ability to create such things, but... we may again someday.
     Today, we live together as one in a pack called Kiowa. It is a group dedicated to peace between two religions: the Kuna and the Tachi. Despite our best efforts to keep the peace, the Kuna and Tachi have developed secret cults dedicated to the destruction of the other religion. Each is merciless and each craves for the complete extinction of the other. But why do they battle one another? It is because of the Gods. For in their abandonment, the two religions desperately sought after a solution to regain that favour. And there's only one way to do that... destroy the non-believers.

   ?Lakota Dene is not purely a religious group, nor does it discriminate against others religions. Each was made up by our     own creative minds.
    ? Don't want to join a religion? Well you don't have to! Those who join are free to choose if they wish to join one or not
    ?  This is not simply a role-play, but a family. Everyone who joins is treated as family as we all grow together.
    ? Unsatisfied with the information provided? Then please check out our website!

 ? Want to join? You may contact me the following ways:
    - Email: [email protected]
    - Feralheart: Zandrammas
    - Skype: thelxinae

? Ranks!

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