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Messages - ~Feral wolf~

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Language translation for chat?
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:51:23 am »
I know this won't happen but it would be great if we got to see what our fellow players are saying. Like there could be a section to pick which language to translate the chat to. Would be cool and this ont happen, but just puttin it out there as a thought. :P

Game Discussion / Re: Ever feel bad?
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:36:26 am »
Hah. Sometimes I'll get distracted and go get food and come back to my friend freaking out on me cause I was ignoring them. Then they'll get all mad when I try to explain that my belly needs the good stuff, 'cause they believe I think food is more important than them. Of course it is!!! :3

Game Discussion / Ever feel bad?
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:25:57 am »
Ever feel bad? I do, a lot xP
Like if you tell your friend brb and don't come back for a while, and when you do, you say you have to go.
Or when you are with your friend and you really wanna go to with your other friend, but you don't wanna hurt their feelings.
I always do this and I feel really bad about it!
Tell me about a time you ever felt bad on here.

Game Discussion / Re: Funny things that have happened in FH.
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:19:56 am »
There was once this lion that followed me around for a few hours and whenever I sat down it would lay under me and I named him couchie. That's how I met my Internet best friend. xP

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