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Messages - cheriefleur

Pages: [1]
Good to see the thread here x3
Can't wait to see more members join!



Nix (Origin; Latin - Meaning; Clean, clear, fast, quick)


Young adult

Maix (mother) + Otto (father)



Mischievous, silent, social, loyal, daring, creative.

Ingame Username / Forum Username~

Desired Rank~
Scout c:

RP Sample~
Nix found herself in the middle of the plains, zebras and gazelles trotting around. Her stomach was full and she didn't liked it. She had to be hungry after chasing off a hyena off her shelter. He sat down by a tree shade, the zebras yipping slightly and tilting their head. They seemed to walk closer to Nix, but she just ignored it. "Meh, these hyenas today" she grunted, pawing at the air, her hind legs in the air. Her head tilted slightly, staring at the gazelles. How wasn't she hungry after that chasing?

Introduction / Re: I'm not thick, I am mythic and keen!
« on: June 30, 2012, 10:57:57 pm »
Thanks for the welcome!
Yeah, rules are really nice.
Can't wait to create a roleplay c:
Wow, presets, maps, I can't wait to read them!

Introduction / Re: I'm not thick, I am mythic and keen!
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:23:18 pm »
Hurr yeah, epic name xD
I've been managing and customizing ProBoards and Forumotion boards for over 5 months, so yeah XD
Rules you say? I love rules c: I'll make sure I've read them.
Thanks for commenting (:

Introduction / I'm not thick, I am mythic and keen!
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:11:00 am »

Well, hello!
I'm not really really new as you can see, but, I am Mythickeen. I'm found in WolfQuest, Transformice, Minecraft, YouTube, Twitter & deviantArt!
Yeah, lots of places, I know.
Though, I came here because this game looked awesome! I simply love 3D games c:
Impressive Title was my second thought. I played it for a while, but then it was taken down. I enjoyed playing, but there were lots of hackers.
Though yeah, I'm about to create my fursona. I already have created a character (Furaha the Hyena), my first one c:
I just can't wait to start playing ='D

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