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Messages - Tigsan

Pages: [1] 2
I have two more ideas in mind. 1. A chat clearing button/command and 2. The option of switching characters without having to log out.

The reason why I clear out my chatbox every now and then is that when there is too much chatter, it becomes very hard to find your's or somebody else's texts when you're scrolling around to do so, especially when you are role-playing. In order to clear it out, I have to quit out the whole game then come back online. I don't mind doing this, however, it can be very time-consuming for somebody else if they have a super slow computer or internet and they have to wait for about an hour or so to get on. I wish there could be some button or keyboard command that allows you to clear out the whole chatbox so we wouldn't have this type of issue.

Very same reason for the ability to bring up the character selection screen without having to log off, slow connection. It would really help save time if we had the option to do so.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Tuft Selection Idea
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:36:31 am »
i support this as well, a sort of custom tuft/mane ability.
my main reason is because i really, really don't like animal characters with 'hair', and if i want to make a lion, i don't want him to look like he has some rockin' bangs or whatever. i would really, really prefer there be a 'hair'-less lion mane option. :>

I actually never mentioned about having the option to have the actual manes have the tuft texture. You know what I mean? Very unique and creative idea, though.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Tuft Selection Idea
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:47:30 pm »
I have no idea if this idea has already been suggested, but I believe it has not.

What if there were addition options for tufts like for items on your fursona? You could select a certain tuft individually, decide if you want it or not, then click an "Add" button if you wanted it on your fursona. Then, you could choose either it will be a regular tuft or a part of the mane by toggle/switch. If you didn't like a certain tuft that's already on your fursona, you could select that individual tuft and click a "Remove" button to remove it. This could be good for people who do not like the premade tuft/mane combos that are already in-game [Example: You selected "Back, Full Mane" on your feline character but also wanted "Cheek (Tuft/Mane)" added to it.]

I am aware that Kovu has been inactive for quite some time, but I decided to post this for just in case he does return.

Game Help / Re: i have a whole bunch of problems!!
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:12:55 pm »
now its gotton worse, when i go into the game i see nothing but black, i cant see where im going

Game Help / i have a whole bunch of problems!!
« on: October 09, 2011, 10:57:23 pm »
when i tried to get out of my custom map, it only gave me a message that said "Cannot find Map file." and when i got to the character screen the background is all black, what should i do?

Game Help / Re: i cant unblock a friend
« on: October 07, 2011, 12:47:47 am »
yay i got her back, a whole list of people i put on block was on my block list, thank you red

Game Help / i cant unblock a friend
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:45:24 am »
i blocked a friend of mine because she was getting annoying, on the next day, i wanted to unblock her but shes not on the list, please help! i want my friend back...

Game Help / Re: Flourite Plains is a crashing nightmare!!!!
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:09:49 am »
YAY!!! i finally went on without any crashes, all i had to do was restart the computer XD how dumb of me..

Game Help / Re: Flourite Plains is a crashing nightmare!!!!
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:22:23 am »
well that sucks, i guess i will have to keep trying untill i finally come on and stay on

Game Help / Re: Flourite Plains is a crashing nightmare!!!!
« on: October 03, 2011, 01:28:12 am »
it worked for quite a while, about maybe 1 and a half days, but then it started repeated the problem again... how am i gonna get out? Reinstalling the game wont work, my dad said that it might either be your website or the server

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