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Messages - grimoire

Pages: [1]
Site/Forum Help / Re: Username Change Error
« on: May 25, 2017, 10:31:36 pm »
I noticed you said to have changed your username to phantasmagoric, but that username doesn't exist. Try signing in with the username "phantasmagoria" as I think that's the account in question. ^^

The email for this account is different than the email for the phantasmagoria account. If you're curious about what email is associated with the phantasmagoria account, I can let you know through private message if you don't want it to be publicized. That is likely why you received the "Recipient address rejected" email.
If you could do so that would be great! I remember trying to change the name to phantasmagoria, but it said it was taken.... Gosh, I really hope my account wasn't deleted. That would be wild.
Edit: Oh! I tried Phantasmagoria and it let me sign in... that's so weird. could have sworn it said it was a taken user... oops, lol. Thank you for the help!!

Site/Forum Help / Username Change Error
« on: May 25, 2017, 06:49:42 pm »
solved! thank you!

I just recently tried to change a username (nightvisions to phantasmagoric) and, as the warning said, I can't get back into said account. I tried e-mailing the given help address, but the message won't go through. I tried with and without the hyphen (just in case it was a typo) and it still won't go through. I'm using Yahoo, but I'm not entirely sure the address I'm using to send is the one connected to the account, and I can't change it because I can't get in the account.
Any suggestions on what to do?
Thanks in advance~~
Edit: I checked the email I got in return and it reads "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table". Does this mean this isn't my account's address? If so, how would I go about changing/checking what email is?

Request Other Mods/Creations / Re: Unicorn Horn Item?
« on: October 08, 2013, 04:05:12 pm »
Haller, I am too stupid to do this myself, but would you be willing to retexture a unicorn horn black for me, Schae? It would be. Like. Awesome. :3

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