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Messages - Valerian

Pages: [1]

Bump cuz REG IS OPEN!!!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Valerian : Seeking Staff
« on: March 31, 2018, 06:06:13 pm »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Valerian : Seeking Staff
« on: March 27, 2018, 02:23:14 pm »
Bump it uppp

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Valerian : Seeking Staff
« on: March 20, 2018, 12:51:03 am »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Valerian : Registration Open!
« on: March 17, 2018, 07:26:26 pm »

Valerian is a new FeralHeart role-play group. We were established on March 7, 2018 and plan to be opening the beginning of April!

Valerian is a olden day medieval themed canine roleplay. The Valerian kingdom is overseen by the Royal bloodline which gave the group it's name, Valerian. We accept:
- Wolves
-Fox/Wolf ; Coyote/Wolf Breeds
- Lethan Wolves


Valerian is a literate role-play. We accept those who can effectively and properly use grammar, vocabulary and punctuation in their role-play. Wolf-speak is accepted but not required.
Valerian is a mapless group. We have a settlement in-game that fits our group. We have optional role-play maps that members are allowed to download and use for different role-play settings.
Semi-Realistic to Realistic
Character design can be semi-realistic to realistic. All designs are allowed but no neon or flashy colours may be used, dull and soften them! Cyborg/robot/wings/powers/etc are unacceptable.
Ranked & Tagged
Valerian is both ranked and tagged in-game. Our staff and council rankings are the Royals (founders); followed by our Nobles (admin) and then our Chamber (moderators). Under that we have our high ranks (commanders) that oversee the class in which they have climbed up in. We have our middle rankings which would be our semi-advanced to advanced role-players that have proven themselves in their class. Below that we have our basic ranks: Hunter, Fighter, Guard and Medic. This is where new recruits start! Our rankings go up by Tiers. Starting at I and working all the way up to X before commanding or Assassin ranking.
Valerian is striving to be a very active group, accepting members from all time zones! We want members to be active and online at least twice a week!
Activity tiers are earned within the first 3 days of being online with the group to ensure we have active members beginning training after the prove they can be active with the group! Valerian is a long-term role-play and we don't want members flaking off days after going through the hassle to join the group.

Our site-shop is work-in-process! We are going to be having a currency that is given out and can be exchanged in the shop for items/gifts/extra character slots/etc. Ways to earn currencies is being active online, doing good deeds, being friendly in general and setting good examples for others!


Register Here![/size][/font]

We are currently looking for a great staff team to support Valerian! Are you interested in becoming an admin or moderator for Valerian? We need YOU!

What we need:

  • Deltas
  • Sub-Council (chambers)

"How do I become a staff member?"

- Well you can either PM me, message me over Discord (kxns#8355) or comment below and I'll contact you! I'll ask you a few questions and then add you to our general chat on Discord (required) to discuss with our other staff members!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Wolves Of Red Grove | New Wolf Pack
« on: September 03, 2016, 02:08:06 pm »

Hello there! I see you're interested in the Wolves Of Red Grove! We are a brand new, sited, literate, soon to be mapped, semi-realistic (no neons, darken the colours), ranked, tagged wolf pack. We have 3 activity tiers (i,ii,iii) that must be achieved by proving activity before you can begin your training, just to check to see if you are going to be an active, long-term player.

History of Red Grove wolves:

The Wolves of Red Grove began with vanished members from the Nightmare Pack, whom didn't agree with their evil Alpha, Demon's orders and the way he ran things. So, the members escaped his grasp and began to recruit other wolves to join them in their new domain, Red Grove. Alpha Demon wasn't happy about this, as one of his daughters was the 'lead' of this rebellion against Nightmare Pack and Demons followers, so he declared a war against the small pack of Red Grove. They fought and fought, and finally the small pack of hard trained wolves won against the evil, as Demon was killed. Now, the Wolves of Red Grove rule the forest, and Nightmare Pack had vanished into thin air.

So, are you interested in joining us? Visit our website at the 'New Recruits' page for how to join!

Thank you! - RG Recruiter / Eris Alpha I

Site/Forum Help / Change Username?
« on: August 27, 2015, 12:44:55 pm »
Is there anyway that i can change my username?

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