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Messages - Aqua Lugia

Pages: [1]
Screenshots / Re: Wolfie's screenshots.
« on: November 24, 2012, 07:31:16 pm »
I have a quick question about screenshots. How do u take them? I pressed the PRTSC button on my laptop, and i got disconnected. CAN SOMEONE PLZ HELP?! DX

Discussion Board / Re: Adventure Time
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:16:30 am »
I LUV THAT SHOW!! ADVENTURE TIME IS AWESOME! I luv the episode with Fiona and Cake! And there's a huge cliffhanger for the end of season 2 or 3 (i forgot!) Cant wait for the second part! The lich scares me....   :o

Pages: [1]