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Messages - wolfspirit999

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Game Help / Re: Friend cannot access my side-maps
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:48:57 pm »
I will send her the files again now, but believe me she has tried many times and still no luck.


I sent her all the files again, and she put them all in place but still no luck, she's still crashing when she enters the side maps :/

Game Help / Friend cannot access my side-maps
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:11:07 pm »
Hello, I will start with thank you in advance for reading about my annoying problem and possibly searching your memory for any faint idea of what is up with her mad laptop  :D

So, we have been planning this RP for a long time me and her, and I finished the map a few days ago. She has very slow WiFi speed, so downloads are slow, but her FH plays just fine and always has done.
We eventually get the map to her, and she gets all the files sorted (She is not new to downloading maps) and comes into the map. Everything's going splendid, I show her and a few of our members around the main parts of the map and everything's fine.
We then head to one of the portals that leads into a much smaller map (it's underground tunnels) and everyone comes through the other side just fine, but she crashes.
The error message she gets is the typical 'FeralHeart.exe has stopped working'
From that point, any time she tries to go on that character still halfway through the portal her FH shuts down. She retrieved her character with the 'reset home' and 'go home' on the FeralHeart website, and tried to send another character in. That had very much the same result.

So I ask, does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how we can fix it?

I will point out that:
-She has Windows 8
-Has not had this problem before EXCEPT for once in a map, but the weather file caused that
-This map does not have a weather file nor a sky file
-Other members were fine through this map
-Although her WiFi is bad she has not had problems before

Thanks again for any ideas anyone may have  ;)

Game Help / Re: Can't open exports!
« on: April 21, 2014, 07:15:48 pm »
Does an error message come up when you try to open it? Or does nothing happen?
If an error message comes up could you please say what it is? It may help us figure out what's wrong :)

Game Help / Re: What happened?
« on: April 21, 2014, 07:10:19 pm »
Did you make sure to take the files out of the folder?
You probably have but it's all I can think of. I'm not very helpful I'm afraid.
I have had people in RolePlays that need to close FH a few times before it works.
I also had a member that I had to send the water.cfg, gates.cfg, terrain.cfg etc.
Maybe you could try that?

Game Help / Re: I can't log in
« on: April 21, 2014, 07:06:46 pm »
Have you tried turning your internet router off for a minute then turning it back on? I'm afraid that's all I can come up with for now =/

Game Help / Re: Map nonfunctional for other players
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:00:46 pm »
If you have any weather files they could be causing a problem, tell those that have the map to delete it if this is the case. 20,000 is certainly not too big for this, but if it is particularly laggy then there may be some meshes causing problems.

Game Help / Re: Object texture help
« on: January 10, 2014, 06:39:46 pm »
I am not an object maker or anything, but I believe you place the .png into my_objects. Then, from there, if you proceed to place all the files (including .mesh, .material, etc.) into my_objects, those who download the object will have to type in the name of the object in Object Maker to allow the object to appear in-game. So, in conclusion, place the .png into my_objects. Correct me if I'm wrong.
This is right (I believe?) in terms that if they did this they would be able to use the bushes in their own maps.
If you are okay with that then fine, if not then they SHOULD show up if you have put them in an object group. However, they may well need to put the .png and .material file into the FeralHeart/media/textures folder.

I do not know of this for sure as I am not a frequent mesh maker, but from my map experience I hope this works.

Apologies if I got this whole thing wrong ^_^'

Game Help / Re: Random Severe Crashing
« on: January 10, 2014, 06:33:16 pm »
Does this happen in every map? Is it that you enter the map and then the terrain vanishes or it is already gone?
Try changing the rendering system:
I can't recommend anything other than re-downloading beside that. You may be missing some files.

Game Help / Re: My Map Export Fails!
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:00:44 pm »
What object groups did you use in it? Did they all have correct textures? Sometimes if you have one with 'Basewhite' or something that can stop the map exporting.
Also if you made an object group sometimes if the group is too large then the map wont export.

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