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Messages - Sparkmew

Pages: [1]
SparkWind, got up, looked around wondering what's been going on since she fell asleep. She quickly padded over to the warriors den and curled up next to the log, drifting to sleep once again.

SparkWind, had finished her hunt, but it ended in nearly a disaster, she was only able to catch a half a paw sized mouse, and a sparrow that was about the same size. She sighed and grabbed both of them, she padded into camp and dropped the prey. She lied down next to the prey she caught and drifted to sleep, unaware of anything happening around her.

SparkWind, glanced at what was happening at around camp then pelted away, toward the river. She looked around but didn't see anything special in particular. She then heard a movement in the bushes and her ears perked, she quickly dropped to a hunters crouch and jumped at it, she had nearly missed but was lucky one paw had struck the back of it. It was a mouse, although was no more that half a paw big. Feeling a little upset that she wouldn't have much to bring back, she continued to hunt through the area.

SparkWind, turned to her, "Yeah, I hope it warms up sometime soon, then we will have plenty more prey as well." She looked around then answered the first question, "and well, I am going to go hunting, and i'll look around for those berries, any ideas where i should look first?" she meowed questionly.

SparkWind padded out of the den, yawning and started looked around camp. she stared at the surrounding oak and elm trees, she then proceeded to walk around. She felt chills go down her back, and stopped at the exit of camp, looking out at the territory.

Name: Sparkmew
Cat name: SparkWind
Age(in moons): 13 moons
Rank(warrior, apprentice, etc.): Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Can be slightly ambitous, but is mostly nice and caring, she is very mean towards those she does not know.
Looks: Golden she cat with black tiger stripes, and ice blue eyes
Mate: None
Kits: None

Pages: [1]