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Messages - Scamperz

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Registration closed??
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:59:25 pm »

I have a few Friends that love to role play, but unfortunately when I told them they could register and download FH and roleplay with me on the game, they all said they can't register and still come back and try but still no luck.
Did for some reason, the admins stop new members from being able to register? Or can anyone still download it without having to actually register from here, but only once they get the game?

Some answers would be great. thanks.

Scamperz xx

Game Help / Re: Login Probs after shutdown
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:25:23 pm »
Thanks I will read it now, I just don.t understand how some people never have these problems, my computer is very new and is a proper gaming computer so it is just weird that some players don.t know what I am talking about? I will try going back in now and see if it has changed but it is really annoying, I think it is Flouride Plains that is causing all these problems... I appreciate the help  ;D


It happens to me CONSTANTLY!!! Sinse I started! I have four Characters, Currently 3 are stuck there and I am too scared to take my forth one in there, but everyone want to go there and they leave my pride or pack just because I refuse to go there, becoz last time it took me THREE days to get back in! So now I went in just to take a chance an I am stuck AGAIN!!!! it makes me CRAZY! does anyone know of another map similar to it that I can go to?

Many Thanks

Game Help / Re: Login Probs after shutdown
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:46:40 am »
And how do you get rid of that poll thing? It would't let me submit if I didn't write a question!?

Game Help / Login Probs after shutdown
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:44:04 am »
I am so confused, I put in my password and user name and I log in and it says...Request Accepted, sending Login... but then it just loads and loads and loads FOREVER and nothing happens. This only happened when I was chatting to my friend on the game and all of a sudden my computer just restarted, now it does this and I tried changing the system thing and went onto the control panel and allowed it but still it will not log in, some advice please? I am getting very frustrated! Is it just because there are too many players and it will work again tonight or is there something I have to fix, has this happened to anyone else?  >:(


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