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Messages - littlekat2

Pages: [1]
Request Maps / Re: Map Maker Desperately Needed **Important**
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:18:42 pm »
Hello again, I was just wondering how the map was doing. ^-^ Anyway can't wait til it's done, good luck!

Request Maps / Re: Map Maker Desperately Needed **Important**
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:53:57 pm »
Okay and thank you ^-^

Request Maps / Re: Map Maker Desperately Needed **Important**
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:12:55 am »
Really thanks and I really don't care when it gets done, because I am kind of sort of grounded... Soooo yea, I got time. xD

Request Maps / Re: Map Maker Desperately Needed **Important**
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:12:09 am »
Really thanks and I really don't care when it gets done, because I am kind of sort of grounded... Soooo yea, I got time. xD

Request Maps / Map Maker Desperately Needed **Important**
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:34:44 am »
Hello, I need a map maker for a Wolf Pack Map! It is a six pack map and six different areas please, the area's will be below and numbered from one to six. In the middle of the map I would like a lake and in the middle of the lake I would like and island for pack meetings, alpha talk, and fights. In each camp there should be one big den for the alpha/alphas, one medium den for the beta/betas, a nursery, and community dens for the other wolves. Also a small area (not a den) for the omegas.

Area one: Mountains
Area two: Swamp
Area Three: Snow
Area Four: Plains
Area Five: Forest
Area Six: Valley

Thank you and the person who makes the map (if they are realistic, literate, and active) will get to choose a leader position. The map size should be fairly big and the details should be great but not to were it is laggy anf stuff.

Username on Feral Hear: littlekat2
Due Date: Whenever you get it done.
Map Name: Vadli Waya Gaquenvdi

Request Maps / ~Wolf Pack Map~
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:44:51 pm »
Hello all!  ;D

I really need a map for this new RP idea I have! it's called Vadli Waya Gaquenvdi, which means Lake Wolf Packs. There are six packs! I would like the territories separated by different places.

The biggest pack lives in the mountains.
Another pack lives in a swamp,
another in plains (Like the African plains).
One lives in a snowy area,
another in a forest,
and the last in a valley.

I want the map fairly big and can it please please be a .zip file?

Can there be an island in the middle of a lake in the middle of the map? That is were the packs meet for fighting, gathering, etc.

Again thanks!!

The map name will be Vadli Waya Gaquenvdi

The camps will have one BIG den for the alpha's, a nursery, Beta dens and then community dens. Also a small place (not a den) for Omega's?  

Thanks again!

Pages: [1]