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Messages - Balba

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Greetings
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:32:06 am »
Hello, I'm a fan of rp and I'd like to find some on here hopefully with literate people and what not. Been a long time since I've gotten the chance to enjoy a good wolf/lion pack/pride. So...yep.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: IC/OOC Tags?
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:29:58 pm »
hmm, alright. Thanks guys. I've been having trouble finding some proper rp. But I didn't THINK about starting at the forums first. XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: IC/OOC Tags?
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:51:00 pm »
Yeah but, no one ever does that. Only maybe, two people I've seen have ever done that. Maybe I just haven't found the actual rpers yet. Keep running into random children who just want to fart around. XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / IC/OOC Tags?
« on: April 03, 2011, 08:41:15 am »
This is just a nothing idea, but it might help for those who mainly go onto FH to rp. People like me. For pack rps and stuff, I don't see it really having that much of a use. But if you're roaming around and you meet someone....

Here's the idea: When you WANT to rp, and you're currently in "rp mode" maybe you could switch on something that puts some kind of dot or "IC" for In Character near you're name or under it, or above it. Maybe make it a different color so people won't mistake it for being PART of your name. It'd kinda help you pick out who's an actual rper, or just, who's rping at the time. I run into folks who I think would be fun to play with and it turns out they're just on to chat. Which is FINE!

And when you don't want to rp, maybe you're taking a break or you just DON'T rp, whatever, you can switch the tag or dot off.

I just think it'd help rpers find each other amid the chaos. Of course not everybody knows what "IC" means, but, if they want to know they can find out darn it >O. XD.

I'm sure there's other ways to tell who's rping and who's not, I know this. I generally will walk instead of run to try and attract an rper to me. But this'd make it all more straightforward. And it might help with the 'people taking IC things personally", cause, maybe they don't know you're rping. (Sometimes I can't tell myself if someone is IC and being a butthole, or Trollin' me.) And if someone approaches you with their IC tag on, well, just ASSUME they're in character and either ignore if you ain't rpin, or go with it.

Like I said, this isn't really important and I won't burst into flames if it's shot down. I just got the impression that FH was rp-based since there's no other actual 'game content' in it. S'more of a  social thing where you get to be something other than a human for awhile and interact with others who're doing the same. Thought this might help with that. Sounded good in my head anyway.

What do YOU think?

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