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Messages - sharubii

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 19, 2011, 04:50:59 pm »
Thanks for the welcomes, guys! ^^


Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:41:12 am »
Hello there. |D Thank you for the welcome!

Lol, I'll try. xD Just a little bit apprehensive about talking to everyone online, because they all seem to know each other already and I feel like I'd be butting in. :x

Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:58:28 am »
Whoo 8D

Whoah, really? o.o Maybe it's lag? All the graphics are showing up fine for me, lol.
Did you by any chance download the patch after the initial download? x'3

Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:45:15 am »
I sent you  friend request... I think. ^^;;

Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:28:10 am »
My friends would just be like, "Shar, you're crazy. o-o *goes on with previous convo*"

xD What's your char's name? We'll figure out how to play TOGETHER -- *ahem*
Mine's a grayish wolf named Trinket. ;3

Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:22:33 am »
Lol, as for me, I've been trying to jostle some of my online friends into downloading it, but no dice yet. x'3 I think I have one person semi-interested, though.

xD I actually made a character just now -- I should probably read the tutorial before playing, though. o_o Forgot how to play.

Introduction / Re: Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:13:49 am »
Lolyes, it is. xD
(Gah, I forgot about that site. D8 *shot'd*)

Fancy seeing you here, Mew! We should totally play together -- once I, um. Swallow my pride and make a character before tackling presets. xD

Introduction / Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 01:56:10 am »
Hey everyone, Sharubii here -- though you can call me Sharu or Shar. c:

I'm a 17-year old female living in the US. I have a confessed addiction to the computer and love poking my nose into new sites all the time. xD Other hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, roleplaying, video gaming --

Eeeh, I doubt you actually wanna read a wall of text, so I'll stop there. :x

I actually played IT awhile ago, but only for a couple weeks, since for the most part I got ignored whenever I went online with my character. x'3 Once I discovered that FH was up and running, though, I figured I'd give it another try, so here I am.

Nice to meet you all!

Pages: [1]