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Messages - Skaara

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: What happened to KovuLKD?
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:55:04 am »
I don't really mind if he's left, if he lost interest or just didn't have the time anymore, that's all well and good but I agree 100% that if he has no intention of touching the game again the source should be released so at least others that are interested could work on it. Oh well, what can ya do? For now we'll have to be happy with wonderful mods and items from FH's crafty fans.

As many of you have said I don't think the labels will change either. They are widely used and mostly understood in game now coming out with new things such as 'advanced' or 'intermediate' I don't think would catch on. I also think the advanced, intermediate and novice terms can be confusing too as I'm not a novice however I can RP like one.

In the end the only way to find out how another posts is to start role-playing with them. I could be 'literate' but I tend to post shorter 1-3 sentience posts to keep the flow going, although no matter how long the post is when it comes to wolfspeak it takes me twice as long to figure out. Half of the words used aren't actual words to be found in a dictionary and the other half can be misused completely. Just because you say 'ears' instead of 'auds' doesn't make you illiterate.

Sorry that last part was a bit of a rant huh? Wolfspeak just rubs me the wrong way.

Introduction / Re: Hey, new here :) Any tips??
« on: July 02, 2013, 05:09:39 am »
Welcome to the game! I hope you have some fun and meet great friends! My number one tip only really applies to you if your role-play but if you don't it's still a good one.

Don't just sit around. Ever. Go up to people, talk to them, ask them about their character. RP in local as you stroll around and you might even find other people join in, it's the best way to get into RP'ing if no advertised group can be found.

Most of all, just enjoy the game!

I can see where your coming from and to be honest I agree with you that the terms used in RP ad's should be different, though what would be better I honestly can't say.

When I first joined up and heard the terms literate and illiterate being used I was more that a little confused, after all how could an illiterate person RP at all if they can't read or write? And on that note, it makes all of us literate even if we RP with chat speak or U instead of you. I also find it confusing to figure out what 'literacy' I fall under and I'm sure other people have the same trouble.

From what I can figure out this is what people generally mean with their ads, feel free to correct me on these:

Literate: Anything from three whole sentences up, it can also mean that they use 'wolfspeak' (which I find even more confusing >.<)

Semi-Literate seems to be anytime from whole, proper sentences to things like -eats zebra-

Illiterate I don't understand at all as I've never been apart of a group labeled as such, I image they use text/chat speak or one to two word replies without proper sentences.

I seem to flounder between Semi-literate and literate but when joining a group its pretty hit and miss since everyone's definitions vary so greatly. Some better thought out terms could give potential role-players a better idea of what the group is like and could lead to less miss-labeling of groups in advertisements but the bottom line is would new terms even catch on at this stage?

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Graphics! Versions X and Y Released!
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:07:35 pm »
I've got it working wonderfully thank you Bro! The only thing is I don't like how it blurs in the distance, I don't know if that's "deapthoffield" or what its called. Is there a way to just turn that off in this new version without messing with anything else? Thank again!

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