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Messages - Fawk

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« on: September 15, 2012, 06:02:33 pm »
I think a lot of people on feral heart get upset over the strangest things.  I was dancing and I had someone come lay next to me then started yelling at me to stop dancing because it was 'annoying'

Was also in a big group of dancing people and this same person was running around and saying we were gross and disturbing. for dancing in a group? (We were all spread out, not on top of each other)

I think that as long as there is no public text, it shouldn't be that big of an issue. If the image disturbs you, block them. Your mind might think it looks like sex, but they might just be trying to make their wolves/lions dance with each other with non-sexual intent. For all you know, their whisper/party chat rp could have them salsa dancing, not having sex. And then you are the one with the dirty mind, and not them.

Maybe their rp is giving a drowned wolf/lion cpr. There is plenty of other situations that could be happening in their private roleplay that would use those actions in a way that YOU might think looks like sex but without the text, you really have no way of knowing.

Also, the buttswing action is fine. It is the headbang action that really looks like humping. Buttswing goes side to side, if kids thinks that looks like sex then I don't think they can really be that corrupted yet.

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