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Messages - TheLoneWolf441

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Graphical Remix! (ENB + Shader Effects)
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:07:30 pm »
Wait, There isn't a "I don't want Character Shading" in my what if folder..? :S

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Graphical Remix! (ENB + Shader Effects)
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:58:06 pm »
Loving this, Been looking for a FH visual mod for a while n.n I have the same problem as a few people though, Eyes are all white. Since no ones responded with a screenie yet, Here you go:

Thanks for creating this awesome mod n.n

Screenshots / Feral Heart 3D screenshots (For Nintendo 3DS)
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:42:25 pm »
Well this is my first post here so, heres 24 3D screenshots for use on a Nintendo 3DS of FH I made as an experiment x3 Some are a little sketchy but still 3D none the less.

Download them all here:

--Installation instructions--
1) Insert your 3DS's SD card into your computer and navigate to the DCIM folder
2) Download and extract the '3D Screenshots.rar'
3) Copy the '199NIN03' folder you extracted and put in the 3DS's DCIM folder
4) Put the SD back in your 3DS, And start the camera application
5) Tap view photos, After a few seconds it should say 'The management file needs to be updated' or something, Tap Ok.
6) The pictures should then be there, Put up the 3D slider and enjoy!

I also made a 'Wiggle 3D' picture as an example: (Note the 3D in the downloable ones is far better, This is just a small preview)

Let me know what you thought of the pictures n_n Should I do more?

FH name: TheLoneWolf441

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