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Messages - Kaligo

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Re: Silver's Art Pile!
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:27:12 am »
Good work,dear. Keep going, You will see that with time you will become an impressive artist~

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:47:43 am »
I have gotten to a point.
  Am a loyal user that has been around for almost 4 years and I haven't seen something like this in all the games I've ever played.
   I have been scouting around the Feral-Heart forums,I searched of all the information I could find. There is also a youtube video explaining on short what happened,for those who don't recall or don't want to read all the posts on this thread,as I did.
   From my understandings,those hackers,so called ''404 Errors''With disorted green and black characters and a blank username space ,people say they got send from Cereal Soup or that Moonlight-Warriors (Correct me if I'm wrong) are the culprits.
   I wouldn't see the point in doing this immature act unless they consider Feral-Heart a bigger and good held society of folks.In other eyes,probably they either consider FH as competition or something they can't pass over.
  Regarding to all of those messages,we all can do is wait.The game will be back safely with our accounts in a few days,probably over the weekend.
   Insead of angrily commenting and starting to point fingers at some people that aren't in this mess,we should all sit relaxed and watch for the new posts in the forums.Cross your fingers,everything will be back to normal and those who managed to make this minor catastrophe will be judged after.No one is going to leave without 'paying' .

  Making my post to an end,everything will be sorted out.


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