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Messages - Nala0512

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Pixelated screens (and desktop)
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:28:15 pm »
Hi guys, something is wrong with my Feral Heart. It was running fine then all of a sudden turned all pixelated. We removed it then reinstalled hundreds of times but it's always the same. But if I'm playing it on our other laptop then it all works fine.

Everything is pixelated, I mean the laptop desktop as well as the whole game!!

Please can you help? I'm trying to work out how to do a screenshot...will try it again soon.


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:47:26 pm »
Age-lets just say she is a teenager
Cubs/Pups-none yet unless a kovu wants to mate with her
History-Kiara was born into a big pride with her mum and dad. one day when she was out hunting she met Kovia and they became mates. 1 day she met kovu and became friends. 1 day her mate died and she fell in love with kovu.
Personality- She is nice, pretty and smart. she can sometimes be a bit aggresive but she will calm down.

ps pic dont have yet but i look like real kiara.
pps the kovu who posted above my wanna be mates

can i join i can be really be and female cubs in the 2nd 1

even though if u can id rather be kiara she is my fav

my user:nala0512

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