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Messages - Slyphshadow

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Re: Feral {world/universe}
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:52:17 am »
Ok, you guys can post if you want :3

Finished Maps / Re: Feral {world/universe}
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:51:45 am »

Finished Maps / Re: Feral {world/universe}
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:51:28 am »

Finished Maps / Re: Feral {world/universe}
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:51:08 am »

Finished Maps / Feral {world/universe}
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:50:44 am »
Well, I started this decades ago, but always got so lonely in feralheart, I kinda stopped working with this. But I'm back in Feralheart, still kinda lonely, but with tons of ambition to get through this ubber project, which is gonna be kinda the equivalent to remaking the game XD

What I intended this to be from day one was a place my friends and I could get away, RP, and keep the trolls, mate beggers, and pardon my way of putting this, but otherwise, children out of our hair. Honestly we all get tired of it yes? However, as time passed I Continued to add more and more. Essentially the title of this project changed as time went on and it grew. It started as The Feral Circle, grew into the Feral Lands {which is being used by someone else, but no worries} then Feral world, now my working title is Feral universe. Why? There will be 25+ maps within this pack, each map will have a width of 15-75k. Big maps people, but guess what, each one has almost no lag whatsoever!

Now, I don't have many screenshots yet {and none of them have been uploaded because I plan to edit them together to save space.} However, I'm posting this because, I do, and will need help. I need to focus on [finding] a job outside of random paid tasks around my community and online, and well, I'm starting college, which will take priority over my internet career. I was hoping to get some fellow map makers to help me work with my files, and completing some maps, yea? I'd be grateful! I'm also seeking future beta testers, and well really overall staff to maintain this project or at least help to; it would be so great to have that help.

This project means so much to me guys, and I hope that when it's done, I'll get to see all of you around on the maps with your RPs, and friends, and having a good time enjoying a great game that I, myself, am actually, quite proud to be apart of. <3

Forum Discussion / Re: Rants: Bullying
« on: July 22, 2013, 04:04:09 am »
I'm just saying this very quickly. The people that stand up for those being bullied. (oh, trust me, it happens to me all the time cause I hate seeing others being bullied) get turned on by the community. How is this fair. Literally I will stand up for someone else being picked on by another person or a group, then EVERYONE and their mother wants to jump on me saying it was none of my business. if we're all supposed to be kind to one another and I'm being nice standing up for someone who obviously is in a bad position, why am I suddenly the bad person?

Forum Discussion / Re: Illiterate role-players!
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:10:49 am »
What really boils my blood when it comes to this kind of discussion is exactly it's topic. Now, Illiteracy has little to do wit the ammount posted, rather it's content. Now While I agree one should not take ages to describe exactly how one's ear has flickered or tail has wagged I appriciate the deeper detail in scenery, and actions. I feel this makes it clearer and makes the RP more vivid so you could see thigns happening rather than just reading it and knowing.

When RPs claim literacy I hate when it's a group of young, or possibly foreign idividuals who do not understand the english language enough to spell correctly, form decent sentances, or literally are so lazy,a nd uncaring for decent RPing that they do not post but one sentance to a more lengthy response. To me when someone posts 3-4 sentances and another responds with one, it's like shooting them in the foot saying: "Hey, I don't care if you actually put effort into an RP that's not even yours to begin with, I'm gonna give you crap in return"

That friends is rudeness, and it REALLY ROYALLY ticks me off when I see it.

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