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Messages - FelFeyn

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I'd love to see what you can do with this song ;w;

Presets & Markings / Re: Demon Hunter Preset
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:18:48 am »
Ayyyyy! Nice to see there's another DH roaming FH!
Preset is looking sweet~

Game Help / Re: Failed to Connect to Map Server
« on: October 12, 2016, 06:59:18 pm »
We've looked into fixing the map servers and believe they should be working now. Are you still having trouble connecting to the game?
Just tried it, and I have successfully gotten into the game~ Thanks so much to you and the rest of the team, Nynx!! ^^

Game Help / Re: Failed to Connect to Map Server
« on: October 12, 2016, 04:04:50 pm »
This is happening to me as well as a lot of people ;;
We just need to hold out; I do believe the moderators are already looking into the issue, from what I saw on a similar topic.

Game Help / Re: Cannot Connect
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:59:38 pm »
I've also been hit by this strange bug, and I was about to try and get online to possibly meet some fellow Mystic Messenger trash;;;
Hopefully it'll get resolved soon.

Game Help / Failed to Connect to Map Server
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:56:48 pm »
I seem to have encountered an issue several other users have bumped into as well recently; Failed to connect to the map server.
I have yet to try all of my characters, as I have a full roster and it would take ages to attempt them all, but aside from a small handful... my characters cannot get in-game. I'm logged in to the browser, strong internet connection, am not on incognito/private mode, none of my characters are in the old maps, and I have my browser open at all times. Everything the same as I normally have it.
Today however, it doesn't seem to be enough; nothing seems to be fixing the issue either. Closing and opening a new tab, restarting the game client, setting/returning home... nada. The one thing I have yet to try(as my firewall seems to hate it) is reinstalling FH in its entirety. This issue was not occurring yesterday as far as I am aware, so it is a new issue; one that I have no idea as to where it may have stemmed from.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated, and hopefully this will be quickly and easily resolved~! ^^

Game Help / Re: Map server trouble
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:42:30 pm »
I am having this issue as well today;;
Some characters  manage to get in-game easily, no issue; others keep giving the "Failed to connect to map server" message.

Game Discussion / Re: Sparkle Characters: Do you like them?
« on: June 25, 2016, 05:36:52 am »
As someone who has several "neon" sparkle-esque characters, I actually really enjoy seeing what some people can do with a variety of different vibrant colours!
I enjoy seeing all sorts of designs, but the brighter ones tend to draw my eyes, and my attention, more.
I'm not saying natural-toned characters are bad either- far from it! I love the earthy toned characters almost as much! It's just when you start seeing so many, they all kinda start blending together imo...

I'd love to see more brightly coloured characters around FH! <3

Game Discussion / Re: How would you describe FeralHeart to others?
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:03:41 am »
I know I've posted here before but
I've found I've changed up my description a bit.

FeralHeart is an ARPG(animal role-playing game), as well as a bit of a chat room. You start with a canine or feline model, and you customize it t o create a character that appeals to you.
FeralHeart is also a place where the sky is the limit(as long as you follow the rules). You take the default character, and you form it, craft it into something beautiful and unique. Just because there's only a canine and a feline model doesn't mean you're restricted to those species! Take that cat, and make it into a fire-breathing dragon. Take that wolf and make it into a river-dwelling crocodile. You're only limited by your creativity- so dream BIG and go WILD!
Feral Heart is also home to a wonderful, kind community, where there's a place for everyone to fit in, and make friends. Age doesn't matter. Race doesn't matter. Where you live isn't a factor either. The one and only thing that does, is that you respect others, and treat them the same way you'd like to be treated.
Welcome to the Family.

« on: June 21, 2016, 12:47:09 am »
I still love this mod.

I actually got a couple friends to install it(after backing up their old cfg), not knowing what it would do...
Their screams were delicious

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