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Messages - Leafy.

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Feral Heart crashing and I don't know why.
« on: December 27, 2014, 07:12:59 am »
Okay, thanks! My friend helped me with it, so we'll work on it.

EDIT: I cannot seem to get into any of the files, it says 'the original item for ___ cannot be found"

Game Help / Feral Heart crashing and I don't know why.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:50:34 am »
Okay, so here is the story.

I have  macbook air that I play FH on. It has worked smoothly... up until I got texture packs and items. It keeps crashing, and a program called "Wine" says that there is an error in the program or what not. I honestly miss FH, is it that my computer cannot hold all the textures and items because it is tiny? (I thought apple computers were quite efficient) Or, is it something that can be fixed with a simple redownload?

Thanks for the help!

Leafy x

Game Help / "Name cannot start or end with spaces?"
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:56:03 pm »
Every single time I try to make a wolf/feline it does this to me. I always make sure there are absolutely no spaces in the name, but it still always says that. I really want to make more animals, but this makes it so I can't.

Site/Forum Help / Password tolken not working.
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:30:56 am »
Well, I kinda made this account a long time ago and forgot I had it. But, now I want to use it. But, to log into the game, I need my password! I am forever logged in here. So, I clicked "forgot password" and waited for the token. I entered it directly from the email, but it said that it was invalid. I copied it right from my email. Help?

Introduction / Re: Hello World!
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:36:45 pm »

Looks like we joined around the same time! I am Leafy, but, cal be Sketchy if you want. Thats what I am known as on all my other websites. ;)

Introduction / Such a small world.
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:30:31 pm »
Well, hai. I am Leafy, (Sketchy on wcrpg, but that name was taken), and I like puppiess! Wow, I can see people I know. It really is a small world, ain't it? Here is some info  ::)

Wait, I have to do this!

Ok, now some info.

Probably you
And more :)

Well, theres nothing I can think of that I don't like, except for bossy people.
Soooo, hai.

Pages: [1]