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Messages - Riot

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News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:15:46 pm »
When you have this many members begging you not to do this and telling you this idea is awful, then you know you really messed up. This system is corrupt before it's even implemented, they're planning a boycott before the month is even here. This is reflecting so badly on you, Raz, there's no other way to explain it. This makes you seem lazy. This makes it seem like you don't want to be here anymore- and if that's the case, then please, for the love of anything you've got left- retire. This isn't fair to the community, it's not fair to the members, and you think you're lessening and workload when really you're just tying the noose tighter.

You really think this will help anything? Did you not think this through all the way? Was this just a stupid brash decision that you made, and didn't consult the staff team? What did you think the members would think about this? Because in all honesty, if you thought this could ever possibly work, and you thought the members would agree, you never could've been more wrong. I have yet to see a single person agree with you. You're relying on potentially malicious members to be fair? To be truthful? Are you kidding me? There were moderators and admins in the first place because they KNEW that the integrity was never going to be enough to keep things in check. The invisible hand doesn't exist here, and all in all? People are never going to do the right thing when nobody's looking.

You need to realize that this whole community is rallying against you. There will be backlash and there will be many, many unjustified bans- unconstitutional bans- that did not get fair trial. Many people will just block members out of the pure intent to have them banned. There are others who, like myself, simply block members because they do not wish to interact with them. Others block users because of a simple annoying action. None of these are bannable offenses, and your system spears through the whole entire purpose of the block button.

There is going to be an uprising, as there is against all stupid decisions that govern how things have been. Jeopardizes the peace. There's going to be absolute anarchy, and I don't know how you were blind to it to begin with. I've been here since the very beginning, almost 8 years now, and to see this community crack under a pressure that you put on is a devastating blow.

I'm going to be there when it crashes, and I know for certain who they're going to burn at the stake.


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