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Messages - Aeroflaire

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Well, I just installed Feral Heart, and I'm getting back into the swing of things - lol I have a lot to download again. But I think I'll start with the mesh making tomorrow

Hello, Aeroflaire! Mesh making is a tedious process for beginners, however, once you have everything you need downloaded and setup, you'll have fun experimenting with your new program. I'd recommend these two links to get you started.

1st -- [link] This link explains the basics of converting/making meshes for beginners and includes helpful videos. All tutorials listed there are by Jayfeather55
2nd -- [link] This link will show you how to texture a converted object via Blender. Tutorial is made by AlphaEclipse.
Making meshes themselves takes some practice and a lot of patience. I'd recommend looking at tutorials on a site such as Youtube for help making beginner 3D objects in Blender v2.49. Any other versions of Blender are not compatible with the plugins and other programs you will need to export a .xml.mesh.
As for getting your meshes in-game, simply follow these two steps provided by the first link above.
Quote from:  Jayfeather55
Step 7: Find your exports and convert the .xml.mesh to a .mesh file
Now, make your way to your mesh export folder, and you shall see nameofmesh.xml.mesh and nameofmaterial.material. Drag the .xml.mesh onto the OGREXmlConverter. A command prompt should open up and lots of stuff will come up on it. Let it do its thing and then when it closes, look for your .mesh file! Once the .xml is converted to a .mesh, feel free to delete the .xml.

Step 8: Load the Big Scary Untextured Cube into FH
Here it comes. What you've been waiting for. Copy the .mesh and the .material (which you can open with notepad and check out if ya want, even though there shouldn't be much in it) into FeralHeart>Media>Objects>my_objects. Open FH's object maker, and when you load the mesh, type in its name. It should show up with BaseWhite as a texture!
Most will not be immediate experts on Blender and mesh making, however, with practice, you will eventually learn how to work in Blender as well as convert obects to be usable in Feralheart. Good luck!

Wow, that's a lot of info. I really appreciate this help! Thank you! When I get enough posts to do so, I will floof you both! XD

Yeah it does help. XD. I left FH for a long time, due to it dissappearing from my laptop somehow. I guess I uninstalled it for some reason. I just now thought about it again while I was playing around in autocad with the 3D objects and I spotted the mesh option and the idea of Feral Heart hit me just like that lol, I'm downloading it now again

Game Help / How do I make meshes? (Getting kindof frusterated here)
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:49:49 pm »
Alright. I have tried looking for this everywhere, and can't seem to find a decent, well descriptive tutorial on mesh making.
I am a map maker, and I'm really tired of having to ask for other people to make me objects everytime I need really specific things. For example, I've been thinking of making a legend of zelda map, but the objects required are very specific, quite obviously. So, from that long winded introduction, I beg the answer to the question; "How the heck do I go about making objects?" Quite specifically, meshes. Is there any good tutorial on this?

Some info: I have AutoCad, and I've seen sections in it for meshes, which sparked the idea I could use it for feral heart, which got me wishing I could make objects again. So here I am, asking for help.

Any programs, requirements?
How to make meshes?
Texture the object?
Getting it in game?

All help is very much appreciated, thank you.

Hey there. As a mapmaker, I probably should get to know how to make my own meshes and particles, but I was wondering if anyone. could make me a specific weather particle.
This specific particle is basically just random black pixels floating upwards from the earth. If you have ever played Legend of Zelda twilight princess, you'll know what I'm getting at, but in case you don't, have a look at this picture:

See, in the picture those black squares in the background? Yeah those, they're all squares but they sortof rotate while floating upwards. If it's possible for you to do something like that, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks  :)

Meshes / Re: .:Tetsu's Converted/Handmade Meshes: 2 new packs!:.
« on: February 26, 2014, 06:50:38 pm »
Galiou, I have a request. If you make meshes, and you've played Legend of Zelda twilight princess, I was hoping you could make some meshes for me. I'm planning to make the full legend of zelda twilight princess map, and I'm actually doing quite a job on it. Anyway, I was hoping for some meshes from twilight princess, such as the houses from Ordon Village, the shop, possibly some of the fish from the game, some plants (hawk grass, horse grass)....ect. So far, I'm only on Ordon Village, so thats why I'm only asking for those meshes at this time, but I probably will ask for more later. If you could make me those meshes I'd really appreciate it, but, I'd also appreciate being pointed in the direction of a mesh making tutorial, considering I'd like to make meshes in the future, so I don't have to keep asking around for meshes and textures.

Introduction / Re: I'm back :D
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:11:32 pm »
Good to hear. So yeah. I'm gonna start again and pick up where I left off on those unfinished maps of mine, and maybe floof around in-game sometimes. I didn't really make much of an appearance in-game all that much before. I was always busy mapmaking lol  

Introduction / Re: I'm back :D
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:28:54 pm »
Welcome back floof, its great to see an older and experienced member come back into the world of Feral Heart! I hope you'll make a lot more new friends and well, let's hope April will come a little quicker ^^ meanwhile, I'll hope to see you around the forums a bit more xD
lol yeah. I don't really post on the forums all that much. I just don't see much of a reason to unless I have a question or request XD
But I will certainly be more active in game, and even start on mapmaking again.

Introduction / Re: I'm back :D
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:04:16 pm »
Thankies to both of you :)

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