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Messages - Ittsy

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / Re: Rio's Spire (Preset requests OPEN)
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:42:54 pm »
Rio, I don't know if you started iTT's preset at all but it won't be necessary anymore. > <; Sorry I am only now just saying this but I started working on his preset and I'm very pleased with how it's turning out. I was really inspired lately to try it myself is why. I hope you can forgive me, I know my preset description was all over the place. >~<; Anyway, you don't have to make it anymore but if you want to, you're still free to try it out. :D I'll post up my preset of him once I get the scar underneath his eye and fix some of his markings in a different thread ^^;

Thanks and sorry again!

Ah yeah, it is
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
And take your time! I know you've a lot of presets so it looks like quite the handful! Lol!
Thank you once again!
. But once I get working on one I'll have them all done in a couple of days because I enjoy creating them and seeing the finished peice. I usually make them and can't use them with anything because I'm so busy with my roleplays to find another rp to use them in. D: Then somtimes the people won't get my preset, so that is another reason I make my own rps. XD

Lolll! That's a very good quality of yours! ^^ At least then you get the work done and don't have it lingering over your head. :D And I couldn't be more glad to have my character done by you. ^^ You're a talented preset artist. Gawh, people should definitely download your presets especially if they are RPing with you on Feralheart. I usually download presets if I start RPing with someone who has one on their character especially if they have it linked in their bio. :D

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
And take your time! I know you've a lot of presets so it looks like quite the handful! Lol!
Thank you once again!

Presets & Markings / Re: Rio's Spire (Preset requests OPEN)
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:10:37 pm »
Username; Ittsy
Character name; iTT
Fur texture(Choose below); Realistic fur texture (Jasper and Waker's would be perfect!)
What creature model(?); Wolf with the feline tail
Eye type(My custom's included); Contracted slit
Mane(?); Backward mohawk, full tuft
Picture of desired character creation(Required);
He has a dark navy blue (practically black) color on his face, like this german sherperd's black mask markings. Something like this ->

That same VERY dark navy blue color is on each of his paws, like stockings and each of them fade into very subtle ocelot-like spots (very few spots). v

^That cat's stockings and this ocelot's spots v

This same extremely dark navy color trails down his back at the TIPS of his mane fur. His mane fur looks like a hyena's.

^LOL, its fur!

That dark hue fades into a VERY subtly lighter blue and the markings of this color match a husky's black markings (only on iTT they are a very subtle lighter blue from the dark navy).

^The white parts of this husky above would be the lightest color on iTT, a very subtly lighter blue. (If you can imagine monochrome colors, that's what iTT's color base is)

Lastly iTT's tail has 5 rings of the dark navy blue (the practically black ones) starting at the end of his tail and ending up 1/3 toward the base where his rump is. -v

The eyes are amethyst. -v

Here are the four main blue colors of his fur going from dark to light and also my drawing in progress of him (sorry I wish it was complete so this wouldn't be so confusing).
**EDIT: There is a scar on his right cheek underlying his eye. -v

And please, please feel free to heavily use this as a reference if you do make his preset! -v

Presets & Markings / Re: My first preset attempt(s)! [Another added]
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:22:13 pm »
Mngffshfhhhffhhh So beautiful! :D I already told you this but then I saw it on here and had to compliment it again. Such a wonderful texture, you truly are an amazing artist! I always can't wait to see more presets and artworks from you ^^

Game Discussion / Re: What do YOU like to RP?
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:12:26 pm »
I loooooove variety. So this was actually really hard for me to choose because I really enjoy having a variety. I do like to keep it semi-realistic, for instance, everything should have a reason for if they have telepathy, elemental power, shifting abilities... I guess anything with an ability should have a reason in my head but I like to keep everything at a minimum so that everything is mostly natural. owo That being said, my current favorite character that I'm roleplaying was an experiment and turned out as a mutant--he used to be human before this but now is stuck in the form of a mutated animal or hybrid of sorts. xD

Oh yeah, I chose OTHER.

You will see me around a lot on the game, my character's name is iTT on there. He's a giant blue fluff ball, hard to miss. ^^

Introduction / Re: Ittsy here~!
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:44:40 pm »
Gahhh! Thanks everyone for the welcoming! I apologize I haven't said anything sooner. I have been addicted to going on the actual game and RPing around on there and meeting so many more people. This place is so great, I'm really glad to be a part of it. :D I haven't been this obsessed over anything in a long while, nor have I been so social in awhile with people that have the same interests as me! So thanks to the creators and administrators that have kept this place alive! ^^

Introduction / Re: Ittsy here~!
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:27:15 am »
Thank you so much Shallow! I will definitely take the time to look through each and every one of those. ^^;

Hello, Bouncy! Yeah, I was growing desperate and I finally just started to check every 15 minutes throughout today. Worked like a charm! Ahaha, it's not my signature but maybe I should make it mine since I'm so happy right now. I just put that picture up to express my excitement. Lol!

Hello, Skrillex! :D You seem awesome to hang out with, too! Perhaps we'll cross paths soon in RP. I'm definitely going to join once I get my character made and such.

Introduction / Ittsy here~!
« on: May 19, 2013, 11:05:35 pm »
Hello everyone! I'm entirely new to FeralHeart but I discovered it about a couple months ago. I finally was able to join! ^^ I'm extremely excited and I can't wait to start roleplaying with everyone. Oh, I go by Ittsy or Itt. >3>; Feel free to call me either one, lol!

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