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Messages - DrLecter

Pages: [1] 2
Game Discussion / Re: Racial diversity in human Rps
« on: November 10, 2013, 04:52:26 am »
I was just thinking about this today, what a coincidence.

I've never encountered any other humans in-game which are other than Caucasian. The closest I have to a human character would be my werewolf Lester, but he is olive-skinned and of a mixed background.

I agree that it is probably the fear of being assumed a racist restricts people from creating human characters which are something other than Caucasian, even if the fear itself is highly unlikely to actually happen.

Anyways, I hope that in the future human characters do end up becoming much more diverse.

Game Discussion / Re: Awkward moments in the game happening to you
« on: November 03, 2013, 06:04:05 pm »
I guess the most awkward moments for me would be when I join a group; someone in it says something terribly rude or inappropriate as a joke, and everyone else finds it hilarious besides me. Then I'm just left sitting there, feeling very uncomfortable. 

Game Discussion / Rape jokes.
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:03:39 am »
Rape jokes, a common issue I see every day on FH.
They are not cute, nor are they funny. Rape jokes are disgusting, and rape is a serious subject, and should be addressed as such. I see people screaming about "LOL RAEP" at least once a day in the game, the worst of it being in Bonfire Island. To me, it's the absolute worst thing about FH.

Game Help / Re: Original Object Files
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:39:22 am »
Thank you so much! <3

Game Help / Original Object Files
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:21:34 am »
So recently I was downloading some meshes for a map from this site, and along with some meshes came new object files. However, these object files were wonky, and messed up map maker for me. I can no longer open it. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could give me the original object files. These are the files I am looking for:

I'd rather not have to uninstall and reinstall the game again, since I have so many mods and add-ons to it.

Discussion Board / Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:34:17 pm »
I rate that 5/10!

I can move a flame using my energy.

Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:14:48 pm »
Hm, strange dreams! I've had too many to count!
However, I had one that's perfect for this thread.
I recall I had an interesting dream that somebody hacked into FeralHeart, except they didn't just mess with the game. They pretty much hacked into the laws of physics and corrupted everything that made sense. And for fun, they trapped us in the game as our characters.
I can't quite remember too much after that, but everyone was freaking out and there was havoc everywhere. I was a lion though, which was pretty rad.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 18, 2013, 03:10:37 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: Will They Ever Learn- Running a RP is Not Easy!
« on: August 18, 2013, 08:14:49 am »
Ahhhh I can seriously identify with this.

If I'm going to make a roleplay, it has to be creative. There needs to be a plot, a backstory, it needs to be different and interesting.

I recently came up with a great plot for a roleplay, and I got really excited over it. So I started the rp and gained an adequate amount of members at first. But the next day, half of those people went inactive. I tried for the next several days to get more people to join, but I did not succeed. I wondered why people wouldn't join the rp, even with the murder mystery plot?
I guess no one cares enough?

But it was frustrating; I had put so much thought into it, and it just bombed.

So I don't believe I'll be making any more rps after the past failures.

Game Help / Re: Bad Token Problem?
« on: August 18, 2013, 08:05:59 am »
Fixed it myself. Lock this topic if needed.

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