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Messages - Howling

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Escape To Death Mountain
Accepts all species of feline or canine.

Humans are selfish creatures. When faced with death, they retaliate by any means necessary. Somtimes, this is at the cost of another soul's happiness.

"We were tired of being kept in this cold, dark place filled with blood and screams. We wanted out. But the white-coats wouldn't let us. So we escaped. Especially when we realized what we were really for."
"We were playthings for the white-coats. They were going to make us the way they wanted-- they were going to change our bodies! Make us metal, or give us venom, or take out our claws! Replace our limbs! And for what?! So we could help them win a war?!"

"The white-coats told us if we brought back those who had escaped, they would give us our own freedom. We didn't have a choice. It was either that or be killed. What did we have to loose?"
"All we wanted was to be free. We didn't want to bring them back- nobody wants to go back to that horrid laboratory. But it was them or us. It is them or us."

There were the Escapees- those who hoped to escape the fate they'd been given by the humans they called white-coats. They hoped to escape the lab.
Then there was the Trackers- those who, in exchange for their own freedom and their lives, sought to bring back the Escapees to the cages they fought to flee from.
This is their story.

Do not powerplay.
Do not mate-beg.
Do not mommy-beg.
Do not god-mod.
Do not constantly get sick to attract attention. We will IGNORE you.
Do not never get hurt, either.
Be literate. No one line posts. Try to avoid overly large posts, too.
Be active. We must see you for one hour at least every three days.

You wil recieve one warning for breaking any of these rules. Should the problem continue, you will be kicked. No exceptions.

Not everybody can be an Escapee. We need as many Trackers as Escapees. We would prefer you be a Tracker- don't worry, all Trackers eventually become Escapees, this is manditory. Unless they either become a rougue, or they die. Only one character allowed at a time. Escapees can also become rogues, or die. They can also work with Trackers, although the Trackers will have tracking chips implanted in them. Currently, we are accepting both Escapees and Trackers, but this is likely to change. Our first roleplay will begin at 6:00, Eastern Time Zone, on Friday, March 28th.  

Send me a roleplay sample here. I will need the character's species, age, gender, name, and their status (if they are a Tracker or Escapee). I'll also need your username.

EverCreek Pack
A plotted, Long-term, Literate, Mapped, Sited RP
Site is now finished. Here is te link >D

- Character must be realistic in color, and if it has tattoos or anything such it must have a reasonable explanation, such as coming from the lab, or the fighting ring in town.

- Character must be the same gender as YOU. (Pet Peeve of mine)

-You MUST have the updated MM and Item pack to participate. This is so we avoid any marshmallows or mistaken items.

- Character needs to have semi-realistic abilities. It can have special talents, such as climbing trees, extreme speed, especially long fangs and so on. But it CANNOT breathe fire, zombify people, paralyze people by looking at them, use telekinesis, ect.  

- Character cannot be perfect at everything. Absolutely no Mary-sues. I will give you one warning for this before you are kicked from the group. We do NOT tolerate it.

- You can be from anywhere in the world, not another planet of some sort. You can be from an experimentation lab, a city, a pack of rogues or even some sort of royal househould. The choice is yours, but please don't go overboard. xD

- Must download the maps we have.

- Please avoid drama. I think we can all agree it's not good. Do not fight with one another OOC. Drama in the rp is good, though.

- Do not overuse humans as a problem in the plot. I only barely allowed them at all because people tend to bring them in so often.

- If you'd like to request a change in the map, or a plot problem for the rp, contact me before just simply pulling it on for show. It's a different story if it's a problem with your own character, such as a disease or injury.

These are all the rules, now I will leave you for the applications. You must be an active player, or I'll remove you from the group. Three times a week will do.

Special abilities/heritage-
Basic Personality-

Username in-game: Kagura Wolf Isis

Name: Gwenwyn (Gwen)
Gender: Female
Age: 3 (Young Adult)
Species: Red Fox
Mate: (Not yet, is open)
Kits: (Not yet)
Rank: Preferably warrior, it is what I've set up her character to be. But if something else is needed, I'll go for that as well.
Heritage: Both of her parents were in the Coven, and her family has been loyal to it for generations. Her father was a warrior and her mother a runner, which makes Gwen a medium sized red fox. Both are said to be purebred though her family never payed much attention to this so it is not known for sure.
Personality: Gwen is highly risk-taking and daring, she will do things simply to prove she can-- and not necessarily to prove it to someone else, either. Sometimes she likes to prove her own self. Despite her good heritage Gwen is not a docile or extremely dutiful creature; she does work because it entertains her. She is bored very easily and is always seeking out something to quench her thirst for action. Though, Gwenwyn is very loyal to the coven. However, she is quite hotheaded and whenever a threat shows itself, whether is be something as simple as a rogue fox or as deadly as a  badger, she jumps in without entirely thinking things through if left to her own devices. But when given orders, she will obey then dutifully and if given a broad command such as leading a patrol she would do her best to think rationally (for once.) Gwen loves the coven and it's members, and no matter how weak or strong a member is she will fight to the death for them. Any single soul means much worth to her, and she shows it with her extreme--albeit blind-- courage.
[If you want me to tweak her personality then please do tell, whether she's not flawed enough or TOO flawed. I can fix it easily. And of course, she'll develop as the rp progresses and become more reasonable.]
Gwen's most prominent feature is her fiery orange pelt. It's even brighter than most Red Foxes and this comes from her family. For many generations they've been known to have especially bright fur. She also has the odd eye-rings that come from her grandmother, and her eyes are leaf green in color. She's built a bit like a weasel, long and slender, and she can move at a rather quick pace. She's medium sized compared to most-- not to large, or very small, either. She is "lean-muscled." For the picture, go to the link.
History: Gwenwyn was brought up to be a warrior of the Coven, as it's what they decided suited her best. She's only known the safety of the coven and is rather oblivious to the hardships rogues and others face. She is willing to die to protect the peace and safety that the covens provide and because of her tight-knit family, family and friends mean a lot to her. Her history is not much, except for that she was an oddly troublesome and mischevious pup. She was always seeking out a way to entertain herself. Another thing is that she unconsciously strengthened her jaw power by gnawing on old thin bones, and her teeth are stronger as well as it surprisingly did not wear them out.

[This is a bit off the top of my head, I came up with it in like ten minutes. I completely made up a new character, so if she's a bit unrealistic tell me and I will edit her personality with a bit more effort, and here is my rp sample ;D]

Gwenwyn awoke with the sunlight illuminating a pattern upon the bronze autumn leaves and lighting her fur like fire. It chased away the shadows of night and brought the peace among the fall morning. Her parents were already off to their jobs, patrolling and thus on and leaving poor Gwen to her own devices. Bored, she lifted herself to her black tinted extremities and off of the pile of leaves, still warm from the remnants of her body heat as she'd previously lounged there. This morning was chilly and there was talk that this particular season of snow would be particularly... snowy. Gwen liked the snow but it was far to cold for her tiny feet and fiery coat to handle; she was not comfortable in such frigid conditions. But without swaying she stepped from the safety of her shadowy den and out of the tunnel, into the crisp morning that was even more colorful than the leaves scattered upon the coven floor. As she stepped onto the crunchy ground that seemed to shatter leaves beneath her paws she smelled a scent, so distant but detectable. It was a bird, and she was absolutely ravished with hunger. As the fae moved forward to trace this scent that stirred the tight knot of hunger within her belly, she stalked with the silence of a spy and traveled to quell the undying thirst for sustenance. [I'll also give one in-game if you want. I know they probably have food in the coven, xD But I wasn't sure so I put her about to go and scavange. And sorry if it was too long! >.<]

Escape to Death Mountain

Semi-Lit to Lit
Possibly Sited

There is a Lab deep in the moutains of Death, a vast terrain that is nearly impossible to cross for human life. The creatures here are large and deadly, and the land is perilous. The Lab is hidden somewhere here, holding felines, canines and other animals. Here, white-coats (humans) are altering their bodies and minds, changing them into killers. These humans are trying to create ultimate war weapons, so that America may rule the world with altered, unstoppable beings. As they decide to test the greatly altered beings that they have made, they come up with a lab-created virus and plan to place it in the blood of the animals to see if the way they altered their bodies makes them immune to sickness or not.

All animals that hear they are going to be come infected with this virus fear for their lives, and become desperate to escape. One day, when the do finally see an opening, they take the chance and flee into the vast wilderness that they had no idea surrounded them. They are weak in this territory, which stretches for hundreds of kilometers and orbits around a single, perilous mountain that is higher than even Mount Everest. Some of the animals that escaped are weaker than the others, as their treatment has not been complete. Almost all of them have been mutated in their bodies, making them stronger, somehow. Though even this, they will need to forget the past life of themselves and learn to hunt for themselves, though things take a turn for the worst.

Somewhere along the line, White-Coats take the animals that did not escape and order them to find these escapees. Of course, the animals agree as in exchange for finding these felines and canines, they earn their own promised freedom. So thus they begin their perilous journey of tracking the animals that unlike them, disobeyed and fled. The land is just as hard for them, and they are the same as the escapees- some are stronger than others. Some are not completed. With tracking tags embedded into their skin, they are unable to escape the fate they have chosen...

And so the survival begins, the challenge for the escapees to survive this perilous land, and evade the trackers hot on their heels. The trackers face just as many hardships- they fight for their freedom and lives. Each side believes they are justified, each side fights to survive. Will they rise together to defeat the white-coats once and for all or continue this meaningless struggle?

The Sides

Tracker- A feline or canine of any breed (including mixed) embedded with a tracking sensor and sent to bring back the escapees. Most, no matter how kind-hearted inside, are willing to do this in order for their own freedom to be achieved. But EVENTUALLY all of the trackers must join the side of the escapees, however, it would make it more interesting if most people asking for this part would make it take a while for that to happen. (I would love you forever if you took this part, and I'm accepting only a limited ammount of Escapees because almost all of my friends decided to be that part. PLEASE if you don't mind, choose to be a tracker. They DO join the good side, eventually)

Escapee- A feline or canine of any breed (including mixed) that has escaped the prison and is now fleeing from the trackers, once they find that they exist. At the same time they are trying to survive, and they are willing to do anything to achieve that. (They don't have to be all kind and goodhearted, just as the trackers don't have to be ruthless, your personalities can be antagonistic or protagonistic, not mattering which side you're on. I am limiting the ammount of these that I will take until I get a good amount of trackers, because I'm going to balance it out.)

The Things Your Character Needs

FLAWS- You're character cannot be a perfect, unstoppable being no matter what side. Because humans are not smart enough to make technology totally unstoppable, yet. They must have flaws, perhaps emotionally, perhaps physically, perhaps both. But flaws, flaws flaws. We all have them in real-life, it makes this more interesting. They don't have to be the meanest, ugliest, weakest thing, they can be a medium. Or they can be seemingly perfect, but honestly mentally cracked. They can be anything, a minor or great flaw. But they must have some sort of FLAW.

Realism- You're character must have some element of realism. I don't want a totally neon character with horns and wings. They have to be recognizable as either a dog or a cat of some sort. They can have unrealistic colors, but please, don't all choose this. I am limiting the people allowed to have neon colors, as well. So if you don't mind, make the unrealistic color not totally crazy like neon green or something. Dark violet, red, gold, orange; all of those are acceptable. But not lime green. Dark green, perhaps, as well as dark blue. Or a sort of gray green, violet, or blue is acceptable. They CAN have wings, metal claws, metal skin, crazy eyes, or anything like that. Even horns. They can also look slightly like another animal, as some experiments involve fusing two breeds.

Sides- It doesn't matter what side they are on, but at some point all must be on good. This will take a very long time, of course, as this is a long-term rp. But EVENTUALLY it might be weeks, or months, eventually, all will stand up against white-coats. But before that we must all suffer fighting XD Some trackers can join the escapees a bit earlier than others, that's perfectly fine. As well as escapees helping trackers.


You character can have just about any ability. They can have venom, they can have metal skin, heightened senses, wings, or several of those. They can have super strength, altered to be incredibly fast, or have extreme reflexes. They can also have the ability to heal quickly. Let your imagination flow with this one, but I will not allow them to have more than three completed abilites. (Completed is if the alteration is perfected by white-coats) If they don't have any completed abilities, they can have five incomplete abilities. For each completed ability it takes of two incomplete abilties. For instance, if a dog were to have completely metal skin, a finished ability, he/she could only have three incomplete abilites. If a cat were to have extreme reflexes as well as senses, fully completed, he/she could only have one incomplete ability.

There are things that are illegal, however, as spitting fire or bending water to your will. Any sort of thing like that. As well as shooting bones from your body and beams from your fingertips (yes, a Cero if you know what that is X3).

Other than those few overpower abilities, the sky is the limit. You character doesn't have to have five incomplete abilities, three complete abilities, or so on, they can be very weak or strong. Or just a happy medium. They don't have to be a good fighter, they can have a big heart instead. It is all in your imagination. My own character for this rp is rather weak when it comes to fighting.

Just to give you an idea, here are some incomplete and completed abilities that are already used by someone in the rp. (You can also have them, they are up for grabs ^^)

Metal atoms in your skin. (Incomplete, not impenetrable but hard to penetrate)
Fast reflexes.
Incredibly quick.
Vemon (only by bite, so it is incomplete)

Super strength.
Venom (Can be given by bite or simply by spitting)

You can take an incomplete ability and have your character have the complete form, that's perfectly fine. As well as take a complete ability and simply change it a little, or none at all, for your character. Have fun with this, you can pretty much do anything XD

Phew that was long, LASTLY some basic rules I need to lay out before you join the rp.

First- No fighting outside OOC. Do not start drama if it's not in the rp. In the rp, vulgarness, rudeness and all that is fine if it's signature to your character. But don't take it to the extreme, please.

Second- Don't kill someone elses character before asking permission first, and don't kill of yours either, unless you want to leave the rp. You can almost die, almost make someone else die, but don't cross that line.

Three- Now, this rp is gonna have some gruesome torture and pretty heart-wrenching stuff as well as stomach-curling gore, but no mating seens in the chat. If you wanna do that, use whisper or something XD But not in front of everyone else. I know most people wouldn't do this, but some do, so please, just don't do that in front of everyone.

Four- Do not repeatedly antagonize the leader of the unless you are currently a tracker, and vise-versa. The leader of the escapees has already been decided, it's Iris (dracostinks) and that will not change. The leader for the trackers is open however, even though eventually he/she will also join the escapees.

Five- If the leader of the trackers decides to leave before someone else, his spot will be taken by whoever is chosen by Iris or I.

Six- If you are a female in real life, you are to have a female character. If you are a male in real life, you are to have a male character. I'm sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine.

Seventh- No power play of any kind. You're character must have a weakness and cannot be immortal.

Eight- You cannot rp someone else, for instance, I cannot rp my character Sora, and her brother. I can only rp Sora throughout the whole rp. There is only three exceptions to this and that is if you have split-personalities or you are rping your characters interaction with a white-coat(s). The other exception is if you are rping some wild animal attacking you, or an animal that you are hunting.

Ninth and final- You must be active, we need to see you at an hour once a week. That's not too much to ask, just an hour, once a week. Iris and myself will try to be on every day.

Tenth and final- (I lied XD) There is ONE final rule and that is to follow all of these other rules XD. If you don't you will be kicked from the group. You must have an rp sample for me whenever I happen to meet you in-game.

The things I will need for your application is:

Experiment number-(Highest is 5001, lowest is 1)
Mutation(s)- (Can be none, though I wouldn't suggest that)
Background- (can be unknown or vague)
Basic appearance- (a screenshot will suffice but you don't need one)

Already existing members are-

Iris- (dracostinks) [The leader]
Day- (doebermans123)
Sora- (Kagura Wolf Isis)
Snake- (aceofaces)
Aniise- (Queen of Spades)
Chain- (kayla1235)
Terami- (Foxdare)
Nysem- (I See You)
Cathrin Fwolf- (bengalcat)

I will once again beg you to try and be a tracker if you don't ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NEED to be an escapee. That's all, though once I get four trackers (Including a leader for it) I will allow more escapees.

Hope to see those replies ;D

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