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Messages - Wildfang1

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Awkward moments in the game happening to you
« on: November 03, 2013, 04:44:08 am »
When I first joined I was trying to figure out all the commands in an area outside the den you start in. I accidentally did the butt wiggle in front of another player.

Game Discussion / Re: Fandom Characters
« on: November 03, 2013, 04:27:23 am »
I have a few characters 'based' on characters, and things based on books too. I have three characters, two lions and a lioness based on the Harry Potter characters, which I gave wings to for the 'magical' element. I have four lionesses based on the houses at Hogwarts with their colors from the movies, and also gave them wings. I also based two characters on Kyo Kara Maoh, and gave them demon wings, they are both lions.

Game Discussion / Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:07:24 am »
I am new, so it really hasn't been done to me yet. I am constantly on the move though too, so I don't stay long in an area anyway.
I think it's kind of a stupid thing to say 'kill' for everything you do, especially if they threaten to 'kill' you for not being mates with their kid.  ::)
Why don't people just chase others out of 'their territory' or let them pass through the area, but only for that one time.
I guess it is just easier for them to say 'kill' than think of an alternative.

Game Discussion / Re: Non Roleplayers
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:01:42 am »
I am not a huge fan of roleplaying, but I will if I am asked to roleplay. I've roleplayed with my friends, but I have not roleplayed with other people or on this site. I kind of like just running around as my character(s), and seeing what other people are doing.

I don't really have a character I roleplay as, since I haven't RPd with anyone yet, but I do get what everyone is saying.
Sometimes when I am running around Feral Hearts with my characters I come across some people complaining about how 'tragic their life is,' and how 'no one understands them.'
I think if you want to create a tragic character, or do a tragic backstory, you would have to do something with them so they won't be annoying. The character you create is not the sole character in the RP, so if you want to star as the main character, write your own story.
My thing is if your parent(s) die when you are young, depending on age, you will have a vague or no recollection of them at all. The character can be sad every once in a while over the fact they don't have parents when they see other people with their parents, but that could be it. They don't have to angst over it.
If your entire pride/pack/whatever died, and you are a sole survivor, then you have a sad story. if history is repeating itself in your new pride/pack/whatever, I can see the character have a freak out. Survivor guilt won't be too bad as long as they don't do it as much, or if their personality gives the reason for them to angst about it. For example, it just happened, or the character has a personality that they beat themselves up over the fact they were unable to save people. Or they have really bad PTSD, which can happen in real life.
Bottom line is that if people want to create a 'tragic' character, they should take into account certain things, because no one wants a character that is being angsty all the time.

Game Discussion / Re: Interspecies relationships
« on: August 20, 2013, 11:29:40 pm »
In real life there are hybrids created from different species. We have a donkey and a horse that gives us the mule. We have Tigers and Lions that gave us Ligers(lion father/tiger mother) and Tigons(tiger father/ lioness mother). We also have Wolfdogs that are a wolf and dog mix. All of these are deliberate mixes by humans, and all the animal offspring listed above cannot breed, except for the wolfdog.
As long as the story makes sense, for example the animals met at a zoo or circus or were illegally captured by poachers, it works. Also, this is not the real world at all, so if a person wants to have a lion and wolf breed that's up to them. I think people should be able to RP how they want, and not have people tell them how they should RP.

Game Discussion / Re: Your first character
« on: August 09, 2013, 07:20:47 pm »
I just joined yesterday, and I have created eighteen characters total so far.
Anyway, my first Feral Heart character was named Athena. I was going to make her a darker shade of brown, but I scrolled it too far down, and got green. Since green is my favorite color, and kept it, but did darken it. Each time I played the game to test her out, I would pull her back out, and add more things to her. I added the Swirl markings on her and made them a dark blue, then later on I added green wings to her. I've played her the most do far, but I created others the same day as her that I like a bit better.

I like color combinations, and my preference is to usually use a dark color to even out the brightness of it. Except one of my lionesses is a bright red, with yellow markings. -__- I may darken her before I unleash her in Feral Heart.
I have no problem with 'Neon' animals, let the person have their fun, if the colors start to bother my eyes I just move to where I can't see them anymore.

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: August 09, 2013, 06:41:29 pm »
It didn't happen to me, but when I was running around on Bonfire Island I came across a power player, who was doing it to another player. Basically, the other player was just drinking water, and the power player 'broke their jaw, and drowned them in the water.'

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