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Messages - AustralianxMuttX

Pages: [1]
also is there a map to rp on?


Name: Sarrow
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
What Animal are you: Dire wolf
Personality: Kind, fierce, brave, Sarrow proffers to be a lone wolf
Backstory: When Sarrow was a pup, the ice was breaking and her mom had to get away from the danger. So Her mom picked sarrow up by the scruff and ran, behind her ice cracked and fell making a boom sound. But what her mom didnt know was 1 mile ahead of her was a big black of ice ready to crush anything below it. Her mom was running on ice when the massive ice fell onto the ice and broke it, freezing water splashed everywhere, her mother slipped and went under the water and was never seen again. Sarrow on the other hand had been tossed and landed in soft grass. This is where her life began.
Themesong: Club Nation
Other: none

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