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Messages - HUSoldier

Pages: [1]
Characters / Virtuoso/Verse
« on: April 28, 2014, 07:32:57 am »
     Virtuoso is my Mortal Kombat OC.
He is a 17 year old male, with quite the attitude.
I'm currently working on his full history on dA, yet I have it in the Stash, so stay tuned folks!
Well, Virtuoso isn't the tallest, yet he isn't short either. He's different from the others, most notably by his style of clothing. He wears baggy black pants and a dark red hoodie with splatters of black on it. He wears spiked bracelets, and a spiked collar. Also, to top it off, he wears headphones around his neck. He wears a black mask, that covers the upper half of his face, leaving the bottom half exposed.

When he was 15, he was brutally beaten by Shao Kahn, which caused him to loose his memory. He was in a coma for a while, before being found by Raiden, the thunder god. Raiden had saved him, and brought him back to meet the others, where he was healed and discovered his power. He attacks by his voice, yet his elemental power is fire. With this combination, he can send a person into flames by just singing. Due to his vocal attacks, his singing voice is wonderful, yet he only uses it in battle. After a bit of talk, it was decided that Virtuoso would be named Virtuoso, or Verse, and he'd be trained for Kombat. Raiden had assigned Sub-Zero to be his master, or teacher. Sub-Zero wasn't happy with this, and neither was Verse. When the time of the Mortal Kombat tournament was held, Verse wasn't ready for battle, but he made some friends. He became close to the Netherrealm specter, Scorpion, then desperately wanted to be trained by him. However, Raiden rejected this due to the fact that he had wanted to have Virtuoso on the "good" side.

Virtuoso is very disrespectful, and annoying at times. He's rude, and impatient. He also looks up to Johnny Cage, which lead for him to be talkative. He doesn't know when to shut up. He's ridiculously brave, yet this leads him into trouble often.

Like all fighters, he has a Fatality move. During this Fatality, wine glasses will appear above Virtuoso's opponent's head. Verse will then sing at a high pitched tone, causing the wine glasses to shatter and rocket down towards the opponent, thus stabbing them to their death.
Well, what did ya think of him?
He's one of my favorite characters, possibly in the top 5. C:
I don't RP with him often, due to the fact that most people don't roleplay in Mortal Kombat terms.

Introduction / Is thiiiiiis what I do?
« on: April 28, 2014, 07:07:42 am »
   It said make an introduction, so heh, why not?
I hate revealing my real name, so I request to be called Soldier, if that's okay with you!
If not, you can think of a new one. I'll answer to anything, really.
I do have a DeviantART, which is xXUndeadZeroXx.
Go take a peek sometime, yet WARNING. My art is terrible and will blind youuuu.

I'm not an interesting person, really.
I like Hollywood Undead, Mortal Kombat, and Steam Powered Giraffe.
I do have Xbox Live, but that's shared only with my close friends, so heh, sorry strangers~

I play alot of Team Fortress 2, yet i'm really not good at it. Maybe I should stop playing as Scout and try out a new class.
Oh welly welly welly welly well.

Hmm, what else can I saaaay?
I'm random.
Very random.
I also tend to loose my grammar alot. C:
I just kinda throw it out the window.

And one last thing.
Fishing is BORING

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:15:24 am »
I'm obsessed with Hollywood Undead, and in one of their songs "Dead In Ditches", they say HU Soldier. So why not make it a username? :D So thus, my username is HUSoldier. Simple enough, correct?
If I was able to change it, i'd change it to:

Starducks is just Starbucks... but with ducks. |D
HoneybeeRabbit is a bit creative of me. Honeybee is a song by Steam Powered Giraffe, and Rabbit is my favorite member of that band. Simple?
BrassGoggles is one of my favorite songs by Steam Powered Giraffe.

So, i'm pretty simple with everything. eue

Site/Forum Help / Re: Registration Error?
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:15:22 pm »
Ellur, I think I may have a solution to chur problem :)

I remember a solution to this somewhere farther down in the "Forum Help" board. Quoted directly,

Hello, I just registered here!

But, while I was try to do so, I kept getting 404'd, meaning FH couldn't find the page. That's a pretty big problem if the registration page is an error, it frustrates potential new users who've been waiting a long time to get an account. Finally seeing registration is open, but then getting 404'd when trying to register, is terrible.

Bypassing that error took me a sec, but here's what you do:

Clicking "Create an account" will take you to this:

A 404, not good, and incredibly frustrating after stalking FH for registration. See how it says /index.php/ was not found? That's the problem. All you gotta do is delete that from the URL, like so:

The page will be fixed, and you're free to register :)

Hope this helps people out!
This should work out for you :)
This fix is also very recent, so it should work.

Good luck!

Oh, thanks! I feel like somewhat of an idiot now for posting this twice ^^;

Site/Forum Help / Registration Error?
« on: April 19, 2014, 06:02:03 am »
Uhm, so I tried to make a new account, and it led me to a 404: ERROR message page. Does this happen to anyone else? Why does it happen? And how can I make it stop?

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