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Messages - lostdoe

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This roleplay is really great and the maps are super awesome Zombie & co. are also really great so come apply you wont regret it ' w' /


Characters / Fawn's Original Character Lists
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:13:18 am »

K e t a k a r z a
[ Wolf ] [ 2.5 years ] [ 3'9'' ] [ 145 lbs ]

>> General;;

Gender Identification: Male
Physical Sex: Male
Sexuality: Aromantic; asexual

Scent: Metallic-like scent sometimes accompanied with the musk of burning herbs.

>> Pack;;

  + Name: [[ None yet ]]
  + Position: N/A

>> Lists;;

> Pups Sired:

  + Doe; Female; Nine Moons - Keta does not associate with her.

> Item List;

  + Herbivore's Skull; [ Protection +3 ]; despite having skull like markings on his fur- he wears a real skull on the top side of his muzzle.
  + Feathers; various plumage from past kills. Because of his Vodun and hoodoo belief systems- he sees the feathers as a way to hone in on sounds better than the average wolf. It's up to speculation if this is the truth- but he swears by it.

>> Biography;;

[ C o m i n g  S o o n ]

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