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Messages - ImaginaryCreek

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Finished. Would you like me to PM it to you?

Other Games / Re: Wolves of (the) Legendary Forest
« on: April 20, 2014, 07:04:10 am »
Thanks guys! cB

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: I need a preset for my new OC. ^.^'
« on: April 19, 2014, 02:32:21 pm »
I can totally try this. Anything I need to know? Manes, build (canine or feline), etc.?

Other Games / Re: New Game In The Works!
« on: April 18, 2014, 02:25:59 am »
Bump? o-o

Other Games / Wolves of (the) Legendary Forest
« on: April 02, 2014, 03:47:35 am »
Well, the other thread pretty much died, and I really want to go on with this idea. ouo I'm just---AH! ROACH!--- going to repost what I said. o3o "Hellu Feral Heart lovers! I welcome you to the new, (just on the works today), animal game! It's still a work in progress, meaning I haven't started anything yet. :'c. Anyways. I'm going to need a bunch of programers, coders, scripters, all that good stuff. I'm also going to need a few people who are good at making websites at ProBoards.
Do you love the Wolves of the Beyond series? Well guess what? In this new game you can!

In this 3D animal wolf game, you can explore huge maps! Not only that, you can also find preys' and predators all around. Play as a malcadh, pup, adult, or loner! Although the character limit is 3-5, there is a different range of pelts, eye colour, deformities, items, and more! You'll love this game so much you can't stop playing!
(More descriptions will be on the site.)

Please, if you can program, code, and script, I need you!
I'll go ahead and post the site link in a few!
Also, I won't get into deep description here, because someone told me there was idea stealers going around. ouo...
Alsoooo, I have a name for it, but I also want to see what other awesome names you (if you want to help. o3o) can come up with! :D

Ignore that above and let me revise this!
Alright, so in Wolves of (the) Legendary Forest (or WOLF/WOTLF), you can get to be either a pup or malcadh.
This relates to Wolves of the Beyond, so I won't go into much detail!

Starting Off-
Of course, when you start off, there will be a Character Creator, and you can choose either being a malcadh or pup or loner. The special options for the malcadh would be missing L Eye, R Eye, L Ear, R Ear, Crooked Jaw, Crooked Paw, No Tail, etc. etc.

There will be different packs, (not the ones from the books), and you can choose which mother you can be born off of.
(I will name them later on)

Hunting and Senses-
There will be hunting, durrrrrr! And the prey will be scarce depending on the season.
Other Wolves|Yellow

The colors are the colors for the senses, which is used by pressing a specific button. That will toggle senses mode, and you can follow those smells. It will also tell you the status, such as:
Or different, it just all depends.

I don't need to get descriptive here, but there will be the main four seasons.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, the site:
I didn't really go to the main part, but that was just a review of it.. sort of. -cough-
But there's Wolves of the Legendary Forest!

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Korsetts needs a preset <3
« on: March 23, 2014, 04:35:15 am »
I can try to do this. c: I finished with the eyes and head.

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: wild dog preset please?
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:30:52 am »
I will attempt to make this. And I already have the body, tail, and head made. If I may ask, would you like a mane for this preset?

Game Help / Map Not Found?
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:09:04 pm »
Well, I want to link maps together and give the map to my friends, but I just can't seem to make it not say something like, "Map Not Found"
So I need help. I don't want to put all the map files together, because then it'll make those portals all appear in Cape (did that make sense?). How am I supposed to let them not do that?

Other Games / New game in need of help!
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:47:35 am »
Hellu Feral Heart lovers! I welcome you to the new, (just on the works today), animal game! It's still a work in progress, meaning I haven't started anything yet. LOL. Anyways. I'm going to need a bunch of programers, coders, scripters, all that good stuff. I'm also going to need a few people who are good at making websites at ProBoards. Not. Only. That. This game will have some good stuff, such as being different types of creatures.

Do you love the Wolves of the Beyond series? Well guess what? In this new game you can!

In this 3D animal wolf game, you can explore huge maps! Not only that, you can also find preys' and predators all around. Play as a malcadh, pup, adult, or loner! Although the character limit is 3-5, there is a different range of pelts, eye colour, deformities, items, and more! You'll love this game so much you can't stop playing!
(More descriptions will be on the site.)

Please, if you can program, code, and script, I need you! :D

Request/Find Meshes / Mesh Finding Help
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:43:51 am »
Hello~ How are you today? :3
I'm in need of some meshes. Meshes that would belong in a demonic-like place. (Dead trees, poison berries, acid, etc.) If you know any, please tell me with a link to the forum, so I can see the pictures first. :3
Also, I'll give a list of what I mean, the ones with red are the ones I really need.
1. Thistle Root
2. Dead Trees (Such as, trees without leaves, or dark willow trees)
3. Acid water
4. Blood water
5. Flowers that look evil (>:I)
6. Dead Carcasses
7. Snowy Rocks
8. Snowy Dead Trees
9. Weird Dens
10. Cage

Wow, sorry for long list! I might add more meshes, though. I realize things at the last minute.

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