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Messages - RHSBaseball5

Pages: [1]
(Thanks and yeah I just now realized that.And I ment to say the brown one not black)

Height:13/14 hands
Age:2 1/2
Owner:Cheif EgalFeather
(The Black One  :P)
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Native American Horses Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
History:She was born in a foest far from the west.She lived there for about 5 months of her life.Some horse breeders came down to that area to find new horses for ther beeding program.Her parents took far far away from there to a native american vilage.They left her there so she could still sm what live in te wild.She is now almost  fuly grown mare with a some what very bad temper to other horses.
RPSample:-Dream walked lng side a river bank her owner has riding her at the time a well.He kicked her lightly telling her to go a bit faster,She followed the order and did what he said.A fallen tree was nearing he kicked her two times witch  turned into a gallop.She leaped over the tree with such grace and beaty.The near by wild horses watched her since the jump caught there eye.Dreams left eye glanced over at them but she kept galloping with her tail and head up high.-

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