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Messages - BlueVixen10

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{{I'll be inactive for ea bit :T))

Blue Faith

As blue entered the waterfall she disappeared into the hill without any sign of a cave behind there, in the cave  there were two black canine males. Blue formed into the white wolf when the small tunnel went bigger and when the two black canines were visible, this time her wolf form has a golden glowing necklace around the neck "I have what you requested, Night and Fright" Anyone could tell by their appearances and names that they were twins. Night stepped forwards and took the necklace and smiled "Perfect. Fright! Go search for more of these, Blue, get me amulets" Blue started to feel a bit guilty and declined, therefore the small black canine male attacked her. Blue easily stomped Night to the ground but didn't end his evil life "Stop your evil ways and I will bring mercy upon you. Any necklace your twin finds, you will give it to me, I will NOT obey you anymore if it includes hurting and stealing from my friend!" Blue finally stood up for her life and loyalty, but she wished she could have had dragon DNA instead of a wolf shapeshift form, only because she wanted to crush her rightful enemies in the face. ((My bad no evil person :P))

                                                      Blue Faith

Blue was flying around the air in falcon form, she noticed Flynn on the road(whereever xD) but kept moving on so that she can travel through the forest as a cheetah or a wolf, and then she noticed her stomach began to grumble so she hurried to the closest area of the forest then went wolf to scent down a rabbit or two. Blue was starting to get illusions from hunger but as she did she managed to catch a rabbit through the illusions, after Blue killed the rabbit in wolf form she ate it and the prey didn't last long with her but was enough to keep her stomach happy. She then shifted into her cheetah form to run swiftly across the forest until she reached a shining blue river. Blue shifted easily into the corsac fox form then waited until it was raining. I'm lucky Samantha doesn't know too much of my personal life... ((Uh oh I think we have someone from the evil side here)) A little gray cloud rose above the hill that's supposed to have a waterfall and started to pour making the hill have a waterfall, after that Blue went in, still in her corsac fox form

                                                    Blue Faith

Blue felt a bit sad, but she came up with an idea"Why don't I come with you?"She nervously asked, but Samantha probably knew she had a cheetah and wolf form, as well as a falcon(Which didn't appear in the pics) She stepped closer to Samantha still willing to help since she was alone for too long"I can help, one of my forms is a wolf one you know"

                                                Blue Faith
She had perked her ears up high and stared the direction she had heard her name, she quickly changed to her blonde-headed self too quickly she didn't see Samantha coming. Startled by her friend stopping at her, she realized it was Samantha and felt stupid for not recognizing the voice. "Oh! It's you Samantha, I didn't really notice you from, you know, transforming so quickly" She really got embarrassed for not noticing her own friend, but then realized her birthday "Uhm, hey did you know it is my birthday? Atleast you're the only friend that greeted me" Blue obviously sounded bummed out about no one greeting her.

Blue Faith

Blue took a look around the town, not finding any of her friends close to her house on her birthday. She went in her room, which was one of the only rooms because the house was small, to transform into a corsac shaped form. With a small tap Blue leaped out of the room window as a skinny yellowish ginger fox to look for her friends, she could be seen vulnerably walking around the street but she was small so it was probably hard to see her on the road

((I don't knlow what happened. Blue Faith is a blonde 16 year old but the pic didn't show up))

Name- Blue Faith(Yes I based this name off my username)
Gender- Female
Age- 16
Shifter forms- Below
Description/pic- Below
Bio- Her past was harsh, her parents were pure humans although they gave Blue up to a science lab because they didn't want the fuss to spoil her, after she was made an experiment she returned to her family, living the shape shifter life secretly.

Hey is it okay if me and Samantha are friends?

How do I add it to my presets? Wouldn't I need like, pictures for it?   :-\

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