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Messages - wolfofthenorth

Pages: [1]
.u. People have viewed this.....I think.

More or less this rp is based in WW2, the common nations are Russia, Germany, And America. At least most of the few members within the group choose to be (Hence It Is Very New). It is literate. Mapped-Unmapped (My friend needs to give me a link. ;-;). Realistic despite the fact that anthropomorphic's are allowed. Hence 'humanoid'. For anymore info or questions please pm wolfofthenorth. I'm on feral heart most of the time. So preferably message me within the game. If I am not on. Over the site is fine. .u. And please, I am sorry for any and all typos. o3o (This is my first time advertising over the forum. So sorry if I've messed up or anything.)

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