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Messages - The warrior of the moon

Pages: [1] 2
Ask Me / Re: Ask Borali
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:56:52 am »
Heh, the antelope DIDN'T cross the road, cuz i ate it! MWHAHHA! Lolz

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: July 06, 2014, 10:27:37 am »
I, By the powers of the moon wolf, BAN U ALL!!!! (Eats hamburger helper while posts comment.)

Characters / Borali's Journal
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:53:11 pm »
Ps, Moon wolves have a very VERY akward time thing. Remember dat.
Jan 1st, 4030
  Yes! Finally.. Today was my big day! Today,  i was going to fight my first arena monster. I was given paw wraps, and chained to the middle of the circle. This was usually how the battle started. Then, we would break free and fight each other.. TO DA DEATH! I couldn't wait at all. My moon marks glew, and the battle began. They brought out a Moontopian Alak. They were fox like creatures, with scales and red eyes. The beast got chained to a pole, and the battle began. I quickly broke the chain with my ram horns, and the beast leaped at me. I quickly dodged it, and then pinned the beast down, releasing dangerous long claws. The beast tried to escape, but no avail.   I then bit into its chest.. and the battle ended.

Jan 2nd,4030
 Ugh. Today was the day i have to go to some "School". I dont need teaching. Not even if its for battle. I am Borali! I am the mighty Moon Wolf! I mean, only strong moon wolves get ram horns right?! So i packed up, and then flew to this "School". To be honest, it better not be some ballet, or soccer thing.. or i will FREAK. The only thing i really enjoy much is.. FIGHTING! MWAHAHAH! Opps. I'm not evil.. OR AM I!?!?!?

                                         TO BE CONTINUED


Ask Me / Re: Ask Borali
« on: June 26, 2014, 11:33:02 pm »
1. Of course! Moon wolves.. well... say we are a part of the moon itself.
2. I was playing Wyndybain's wolf maker, when i  was trying to come up for a feralheart character. I decided to make a Moon inhabinted creature, for i just love night stuff.
4. Strawberries... I like sweet fruit.
5. Well, i would really like to just play video games, draw stuff, and do meh normal.. (Maybe play Skyrim toghether?)

Ask Me / Re: Ask Borali
« on: June 01, 2014, 09:07:26 pm »
1. Oh, thats a toughie. While i love wolves, i also like cats.. Hmm, i will say, Felines.
3.Drawing. I just like drawing my own mythical stuff.
4. Oh no... both are mah favorite! Umm, both!
5. French. I want to be unique. Moon wolves talk in native Moon wolf ya know.
8. (Struggles with mouse, Me:BORALI I CHOOSE RUNNING, Borali: NO I CHOOSE HUNTING!)
9. Wolf and Cat! :P
10: Pastas and pizza. (Especially white and chocolate pizza!)
11.Blue colors. All shades of cool colors. Be it green, indigo,purple,blue, whatever.

Game Discussion / Re: Unrealistic/fantasty Characters
« on: June 01, 2014, 08:15:42 pm »
I get criticized for having a wolf that is both blue AND winged. What's up with people?

Ahh.. thats just sad. Look at borali, he is gonna be blue, (He does have neon markings, though they won't hurt peoples eyes luckily) and is going to have wings. Its just like having a plain old wolf, only with wings. I have seen many instances in other RPG games, that people critizize for stuff like.. one day i was on AJ and someone critizized a kitten for being a bunny. I didn't like that fact at all sadly.

Though RainbowSplatterz, and Borali are going to be unrealistic. Watch out for RAINBOWSPlATTERZ though! She's gonna be hardcore neon. While Borali,.. i can have many reasons why he is unrealistic.. many many reasons.............................. (Dances to DamDadiDoo with Boss glasses on)

Ask Me / Ask Borali
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:22:59 pm »
Hello all my fellow feral hearters! (Or just those who like to hang around the forums.) You can now ask, me, Borali, the moon wolf many questions! Just ask one, and i will try to answer it. :P I cant wait to see what you guys wish to know about Moon Wolves. If you wish to find out stuff about our species in general, then go to the species board and look up Moon Wolves. Heh. Hopefully i can answer them.. I haven't done many ask ____  before!

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: May 30, 2014, 07:42:53 pm »
Hmm, how about...


Game Discussion / Re: Realistic or Neon?
« on: March 27, 2014, 10:50:33 pm »
I am more of a happy gal, so i do neon stuff. Just look at my avatar RainbowSplatterz. Thats one random/crazy feline! Or my mascott, nothing in real life is truly that blue. (Not counting Birds.)


Game Discussion / Re: Emotion-based Character Selection?
« on: March 24, 2014, 06:18:31 am »
Yes well kinda...In the future once i sort out account problems i will use moon most of the time because well thats my avatar. When i am sad i will use Borai the moon wolf, when i am happy i will most often just pick Morse which is a celtic lion. When i feel random, i will mostly go pick RainbowzSplatter who is a rainbow cat which i make tottally crazy, insane, and random.

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