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Messages - wolf12345warriorcat

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Forum Games / Re: kit-paw-warrior-star game (warrior cats)
« on: May 11, 2014, 07:48:35 pm »

Dat's good. But, if they say they're busy, try to PM another staff member. Hope he or another staff member can sort this out for chu :)
Thx u for your luck, Icy!

Thx, XD just PMd Red about it just in case. (Dont chu worry, I haz said about how he is busy and that I was sorry to disturb him)

Hi floofies! I need ur help. Ok, I accidentaly made my user and pass over 16 chars on this account, so yesterday mornin I caught the registration openings and made my account. The activation email was sent to my mom's phone, and when we tried to activate it it took us to a place that said 403 error. I thought this was cuz it wasnt on a computer so we copied (and pasted) the link into the computer and it took us to 403 error again (and saying that it couldnt find the link. Plz, pretty much since Nov. 2013 I haz wanted to play FH. If u can help me u wouldnt know how greatly apprecitive I would be. PLZ HELP ME ASAP! Thx, -Anna

Ask Me / Re: Ask meh
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:05:03 pm »
1. Do you like Deagles(Duck beagle)?
2. What's your favorite animal
3. Ever played Skyrim?
4. Will you roleplay with me sometime? ^^
When I get an account that actually works for the game! (if i see u I'll say hey!)

Ask Me / Re: Ask meh
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:03:35 pm »

1.Canine or Feline?
2.Cat or Dog?
3.If you were being chased by a dinosaur, what would you do to escape?
4. What do you like the most, ice-cream or chocolate?

I wouldn't, I love dinosaurs!
Chocolate! :D

Ask Me / Re: Ask meh
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:02:31 pm »
` What's yer favorite treat? (Like ice cream, candy, cookies, muffins, etc.)
` What influenced ye' to make yer fursona/main character's appearance?
` What's yer astrological sign? (Meanin' is it the Capricorn, Virgo, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, etc.)
` What's yer favorite zoo animal?
` If ye' could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would ye' create?
Idk I just made him.
I have no idea wut ur talking about
a wolf and a cat, i would create a wot.

Ask Me / Re: Ask meh
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:01:07 pm »
Do you like to roleplay? If so, what kind of roleplays interest you?
What's your favorite animal?
Favorite TV show?

Erm.. warrior cat stuff I guess
Wolves! :D
My little pony friendship is magic XD

Game Help / Re: Ugh.. preset help.. AGAIN!
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:06:51 pm »
Spottedbears: Ok I got you, but where do u get that code thing from?

Game Help / Re: Ugh.. preset help.. AGAIN!
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:03:33 pm »
Thx SHAY i think it worked!

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