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Messages - lavendermagix

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Shadow Jest: Hyena rp WIP
« on: July 17, 2015, 04:16:19 am »
Shadow jest in realistic mmorpg hyena game. You can be a hyena type of your choosing: striped, brown, or spotted.
You may develop your own realistic colors and markings as well to make your hyena uniquely yours. It takes place in africa, where you will be challenged by: cheetahs, lion prides, vultures, leopards, wild african dogs, and much more. You can choose to forgo as an individual, or create your own clan. Other challenges also include wildfires started by lightning, finding food, etc. Elephants, giraffes, zebra, and other nonthreatening species to hyenas will be included.
Keep in mind, i just began this game and i am looking to develop a staff team, as well as get lots of members! Go ahead and join today!

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