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Messages - Vivacious

Pages: [1] 2
Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: March 08, 2017, 11:17:07 pm »
This map is open to anyone!
You are free to use this map for any role play, as long as normal FH rules are obeyed, credit is given, and you are kind to other visitors!

I apologize for my late reply, I'm usually on my other account, Grave Walker.  Good luck to any future groups forming within Rovaniik !!

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: October 07, 2015, 08:50:16 pm »
I'm going to be releasing a warriors-based map I made that is extremely large with detail much like Rovaniik as well, within the next few days.

Again, thank you for all of the feedback on this.  It's really inspired me to keep map making <:

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: September 04, 2015, 06:12:26 am »
I actually have another project called Mardure in the works that is much similar to Rovaniik, but the mainland is larger.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying Rovaniik.

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: August 29, 2015, 08:48:17 pm »
thanks everyone! i really appreciate it.

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:17:50 am »
thanks! <:

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:37:15 pm »
Thanks!  Added more screenshots.

Finished Maps / Re: Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:38:01 pm »
thanks everyone!  I'll have more screenies tonight though!! ;v;

Finished Maps / Rovaniik - Mountainous, beautiful map pack
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:18:44 am »
(for anyone who was in the Rovaniik RP, I haven't been on FH in months.  This map is just laying to rot, yet it is one of the best things i've made on FH.  I'm not letting it go to waste.)

I made this map months ago and haven't been able to put it to much use as I would have liked, so I'd like to just share it.  
I believe the map has about 7-8 maps in total with many different environments, the main ones are gloomy caves and beautiful mountainous areas.
Inspired by skyrim, the entire map is pretty mysterious looking and there is lots to explore.
The map has a large, open desert land, a village, caves, a mountain clearing, and a mountainous forest area with waterfalls and I think at least three open camps (you'd think as the creator I'd remember, but I haven't been in here for months ;; )

- if you create an RP in this map, please don't use the name Rovaniik maybe?  The territory itself can be named that if you'd like to keep it, but the actual pack name, Rovaniik, is reserved!!
- Don't claim a camp that's already taken.  If you see no activity in that camp for four days, you may claim it.  I won't be keeping track of open camps, sorry.
- Don't claim anything else in the map please, or say it is your own.
- Please be kind to other people and follow the usual feralheart rules.  
- Not everyone will want to RP with you, so please don't interrupt RPs.  Ask to join OOC.  If they disagree then just move on kindly.
- If you aren't going to be nice, please don't be in the map!

added more screenies!
(there may be more details then displayed in the screenies, these were work in progresses I fetched from my dA)

(going to add more later, too tired right now )

D O W N L O A D :


- The OakBark, BarkMat, Moss textures and Felsite Rock textures go under media > objects > my_objects and media > textures.
- Any material fils go under my_objects and media > materials.
- Any .mp3 files go under media > sounds and media > music.
- All files ending in .fho, .fhm, .fhw, and .fhs go under exports.
- All remaining .jpg files go under media > terrains > textures. Replace if it asks.
- Restar/relog and go to the cape, then look for Rovaniik.


"What do I do if Dawnwood's ground is black and yellow?"
oopsies I forgot a texture
put under media > terrains > textures.

"There are white squares on the ground! What do I do?"
Download this and follow the instructions in the description. Works everytime if you did it right.

"Mediafire doesn't work for me, how do I download it?"
I can't use dropbox or anything myself, you can ask another person if they'd be willing to, or I can send it to you via skype/email.  You'll have to PM me about that.

"How do I fix lagging/crashing?"
Delete all weather files and all animal object files (wombat animal pack.fho, aniuk elk.fho, animalparticles.fho, etc). Delete any maps you do not need, clean off your desktop, and turn/exit out of anything that may slow down your computer. If crashing continues, you can then try to delete ArathiDetail.fho, House.fho, Ribs.fho, FeralasTrees.fho, DrekObjects.fho, and Herbs2.fho but you will be missing some objects (you'll still see the pretty stuff though).
If you are STILL crashing/laggying, hit esc, go to options, then to video, turn down view distance all the way, turn off water reflections, and try running in a different rendering system
As a last resort, remove the music from the game and delete Grass.fho.

"Objects aren't showing up, what do I do?"
This will be a pain in the ass but try reinstalling. You can also try getting all files ending in .fho and putting them under media > objects.

"The trunks of the trees are base white, how do I fix this?"
Another map you have installed must have the same tree meshes. Remove that map by either deleting it if you no longer need it, or putting it on your desktop and then relogging into our map. When you want to go into the other map that has the same tree meshes, you can put our map onto the desktop and their map into exports, if that makes sense.
Just take turns with what map trees you would like to see.

"How many maps are there in all?"
huu i have to check i stopped paying attention after 5. Go have a look around. There are three in Mortuuk Grovel.

"The music isn't playing in the map?"
the mp3 file makes the map crash so I didn't include any music.  Sorry.

Map made by Vivacious/Mangio Culo/Coercion/Leda/whatever you'd like to call me.  Feel free to ask me any questions in PM or below.

Finished Maps / Re: Amorwind, a large, beautiful and *public* map!
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:05:05 am »
Looks amazing! I absolutely adore your maps, dear. Especially this one and the one for Viridity! Absolutely fabulous. Keep up the grand work, Viva!<3

ahh, you saw that one?  Thank you, I appreciate it ^^;

Finished Maps / Re: Amorwind, a large, beautiful and *public* map!
« on: September 26, 2014, 04:12:40 am »
Thank you! ;v;

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