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Messages - Starkas

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Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: FeralCity /// Download is up
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:44:16 pm »

Download here

So the plans right now is to make a smexy city map for the public that anyone can enjoy and spend time in. Our biggest enemy right now would be the lag that will show for the majority of the users visiting a map filled with objects. But trying is something that should be worth doing, and no matter how it will turn out, tries of giving out something will be done.

With some help of friends in the community this project has already gotten a jumpstart and there's a good amount of meshes that can be used for this project. The "city" in this will be rather small, but tries will be done to get it as close as possible to a city feel inside feralheart.

Some things this map will feature or I will try to feature is lots of texture variety, very detailed city environment, custom sounds and other candy as long as FeralHeart allows it. If you want to provide or suggest meshes and what not, feel free to bump this post.

If I make any progress I'd like to share with you lots I will post screens and other fun stuffs in here to let others know of any potential progress or if it's even alive. But as long as the thread exist, the project is alivez.

Map Information:
Width: 7000
Height 300
Boundary: 1200
Runtime end to end:
23 Seconds

So the basics of the maps are done now when it comes to the heightmap so I know what I have to work with. Alls the roads are actually a few coordinates below the regular ground, but there's also height differences of the different planes of the town/city, was quite the trick.

A small step for man a giant leap for lilly the lioness, here taking the first steps on the pavement of Feralcity. This is actually a rough work to do since I need to use regular collboxes for the majority of the pavement to save on performance. Looks good so far though.

Finally now you can start to see the map representing something more city like. I added on the 5th texture which is the concrete one that will show in the more busy area of the city, added some street marks, but I also took the liberty to change the other road texture since I managed to find a more suiting one. A long way to go though. You can also see where the park will be situated by looking in the top right corner.

There's 3 different height levels of the city, and I'm finally done with the top one when it comes to placing sidewalks and collisions for them. They aren't exactly the most fun thing in the world, but since they do so much difference in a map like this it's a must. And since most of the top level is completed, I threw in some more detailz. Like parking lotz?

Here's just a quick view of a part of the middle level of the city leading out to the bottom one. Top level(downtown) and middle level is now finished with sidewalks and their collisions. Just the bottom and final level left now until I can start working on the fun stuff.

I know I cheated some on the collisions and roadmarks since the sidewalks and roads are not completely done yet. But it has been a lot of workies and I'll get back to it later. Here's the whole map so far in all it's glory though.

First things first, now when red has taking over the city, the city billboard needs a change. Yes.. He did it again.

Here's a sneak peek of what the visitors might see when they first arrive to feralcity.

Trash needs to go somewhere, here's the Compound.

Awwww yeeeaaaa

Come pleh wiff me. Trying to keep the map interesting and just not houses everywhere, of course adding something like this wouldn't be possible without the meshers in the community to help you out.

Hungry while you are paying a visit to the city? No problem! Here's a diner that you can roleplay it all out in.

Here's a screen from one of the main streets in the city.

And another from the road leading into the city from the suburbs area.

And a last part from the top west corner of the city.

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