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Messages - Moonbacon

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Funniest/Most Creative Usernames
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:02:57 pm »
I have a character named Shalashaska and some people found in funny (according to their msg's in chat)
(Also metal gear solid fans you probably know i got the name from C: )

Also my username Moonbacon some people found it pretty funny too heck even in other games such as WolfQuest and I,Predator people were pointing out it's really funny.

Game Discussion / Re: Discussing Innapropriate Topics in Public Maps
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:53:55 pm »
I think discussing Inpropriate topics in public maps should be allowed AS LONG people talk about it in a mature and polite manner, and if asked to  take it to whisper or party chat  for whatever reason they should obey. It's going to fairly obvious if a troll is well trolling.

Bump~ Still in need of auditions for High Ranks c: We need some great members to step up!

I'l sign up for this can i ask would it have it's own map?

Is there a sign up or something?

Discussion Board / Re: Oh My Gawd.
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:39:49 pm »
If that happened to me i would just fall on my knee's and cry.

Have you made the new pack? i really want to join :D

Name: Flashpaws
Charecter you want: Flashpaws
Age: 4 years old in wolf years.
Gender: Male.

Introduction / Wassup Feral Hearter's
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:14:48 am »
Yay i finally managed to register a day after i found out about feral hear :3.

So anyones thank you feralheart for making me stay up all night repeatedly reloading the page only for me to go to sleep feeling defeated and then seeing the registration is open when i woke up and giving me a small adrenaline rush when i was typing in my account details.

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