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Messages - IAmTheWolf

Pages: [1]
Other Games / The Lone Wolf's Lament RPG Computer Game
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:07:27 pm »
Hello, my boyfriend and I are creating a wolf game called The Lone Wolf's Lament (Name not final).  We are using RPG Maker VX Ace.  You will get to choose your wolf colour, your name, and even some of your personality as you interact with other wolves.

You will also get to choose between the available mates and win their heart while also avoiding offending the Alpha.  He will send you on quests to explore new maps and places where pups can make it safely through and on hunting trips all while you progress the storyline to find your home.  Your home was destroyed by humans and you are on an adventure to find a new one.  You will even have to choose a reasonable den once you get to your new home.

You can choose to fight or flee rival packs but in the end the home you find is an abandoned human settlement, a city overgrown with forests.  You as the player must find out what happened to the humans and if whatever chased them off poses as a threat to you and your pack as well.  You can dig up and uncover clues, solve puzzles, and solve the mystery that surrounds your new home and what happened to it long ago in the past.

So far we have some wolf sprites made, a test map, a mini demo of the game, and some character concept art. 

A wolf sprite example, running:

For more information on the game or to support and donate it you can find it here:

I thought since a lot of you guys are wolf lovers you might find it interesting.

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