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Messages - Incognitous

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Your In-Game Name:

Your Cat's Name:

Your Cat's Gender:

Small description of your Cat (A photo is fine as well):  <- There's a few photos for ya'

Position Desired (High ranks must be applied for first):
Apprentice, if possible.

Clan Desired (Insert 'none' if you choose to be a Clanless cat [ie loner/kittypet]):

When can you be found in-game? (+ Timezone?):
Central Time Zone

A small roleplay sample (No wolfspeak whatsoever):
Settled underneath a large tree, hidden away in the shade, the small tom sat upright with his ears perked and whiskers twitching as he stared into the puddle before him.  The puddle reflecting a somewhat similar version of the tom.  The reflection's fur neatly groomed down while its fur matched the unique shapes and turns that were similar to the tom's.  Staring curiously down into it, the reflection would only silently stare back into the tom's eyes with its own curious wide green eyes gazing deep into his until suddenly the silence was broken between the two as the tom heard his name being called.  Immediately turning his attention away from the reflection, the tom would quickly stumble back up onto his paws and ran to the one who called for him; leaving the puddle that he had been curiously gazing into, behind.

Feralheart Username: LonewolfTGC

Character name:
Magpiekit > Magpiepaw > Magpieflight

Character age: 7 Moons

Desired rank [Apprentice/Warrior/Elder]: Apprentice (Though, wouldn't mind being a warrior if needed)

Activity Level: 8

Please list any other roleplays you might be a member of: The Great Forest [Had since gone inactive]

Roleplay Sample: [I'll make it brief]  While the sun shined through the leaves and sticks that lined the roof of the Apprentice den, Magpiepaw would slowly open his eyes to begin the long day that lied ahead of him.  Softly muttering under his breath, he slowly rose from his nest and look out the entrance of den in front of him as he softly spoke once more to himself.  "Oh, why can't it be raining...  Maybe then our training can be canceled for the day..."  He said softly to himself before leaning down to groom along his ruffled fur while flicking his tail around himself.  "Well...  Time to get it out of the way."  Slowly shifting up, he flicked his tail contently behind himself and started for the entrance.

Oh, this does sound pretty promising.  I'll make sure to give it a look!

Username: LonewolfTGC

Name: Arcade
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Group: Rock Land Pack
Desired Rank: Medic
In-Game Screenshot:
In-Game Username: LonewolfTGC

Name of Character: Spire
Gender: Male
Personality: Hot-headed, Loyal, Self-confident, and Sympathetic
Bio: [I'm kinda' bad with making these up, but if you really need one, I'll be more than happy to provide one!]
Schedule: I should be on nearly every day if possible.
Timezone: CDT
In-Game Name: LonwolfTGC

Character Name: Ravenflight

Username: LonewolfTGC

Gender: Male

Description: Black fur with sand gray paws and sand gray stripes running around his back.  He has yellow eyes

Maybe I could be a medcat? ^-^


Site/Forum Help / Re: Unable to send or receive messages
« on: May 07, 2015, 09:02:51 pm »
I believe you may want to check your settings. There are ways to turn off messaging for floofs who don't want to get them. Go to your profile and check your Personal Message Options. If you have a * in the box, then that is why you are not receiving messages. For you not being able to send messages, it may be a problem in your birthday. I am not sure if there is a age limit to the messaging system, but it may. Anyways, it may just be a FH forum glitch. Try waiting a few days before you try to send one again. Hope you find the fix.

Thank you, I was able to find out what was causing the problem and it was my birthday, thanks for the help!

Site/Forum Help / Re: Unable to send or receive messages
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:48:43 pm »
I'm not able to send or receive messages...

Every time I go into my inbox and outbox, it says that I have 'no messages' when I know someone sent me a message and that I've sent a message

Hey Lonewolf!
    I heard that you can't see messages that you sent or messages that you receive, right? It's kinda confusing of what's wrong since you said you can't send or receive messages, then you said that you have "no messages" even though you know that somebody sent you a message. I get that. But what I don't get, is what is after that, you said that you sent a message even thought in the title it says that YOU can't send any messages. 

   I hope I got that right, but what's happening is probably a glitch or some kind of bug, you can try to log off and on, or maybe even reset your computer. Hope this helps, and I hope that I got this situation straight, if not you can send a reply a little easier to understand.

Yeah...  Sorry for the misunderstanding.  I meant that I've TRIED to send messages but with no success or any indication that it was sent.

And as for the restarting computer thing, it didn't work, I still have no messages in my inbox and outbox.

Site/Forum Help / Unable to send or receive messages
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:44:29 pm »
I'm not able to send or receive messages...

Every time I go into my inbox and outbox, it says that I have 'no messages' when I know someone sent me a message and that I've sent a message

In-Game Username: LonewolfTGC
Character Name:  Ravenflight

Clan: Any

Gender: Male

Rank: Any

A Little Bit Of Info About Your Character: Raven is has a jet black pelt with sand gray stripes running down his back, on his paws, he has his right paw also the color sand gray.  Raven is an introvert and will mostly keep to himself, but when addressed and talked to, he tends to be friendly and kind to his friends and other cats he respects.

Roleplay Sample:  (Used from a past roleplay)   As the pitch black night sky shown overhead, it's bring moonlight shown through the open fields of the clan, making the den easier to see, when approaching the medicine cat's den a strong scent of mouse bile was clear.  

The dark furred tom turned to look at his new visitor, his head moving away from his patient.  "Oh, I didn't expect visitors, come and sit down, I'm not yet done with this one.  His words were soft and calm as he turned back to his small patient that seemed to have a small case of the ticks.  Putting some of the mouse bile into his mouth, he started to slowly apply it over the kit's ticks.    "So...  What brings you here?"  He said softly between licks.  

Turning away from the kit, the tom turned to face the new visitor, as the kit scampered off, clearly done and happy to get out of the foul smelling den.  "Let me guess."  He said softly as he began to smile, his pointed teeth showing through the smile while the fowl taste of mouse bile still lingered in his mouth.  "Is someone in need of some tick removal?"

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