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Messages - Stark

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News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:29:43 pm »
YOOOOOO THIS IS DOPE!!! THIS IS SICK!!! I don't know about you guys but I've been waiting so long for this to happen AHAHAHAHA!!! You guys are dumb as hell for thinking that this is a bad idea, and those moderators shouldn't be complaining about losing their "powers" on a game. Who cares? Let the test run it's course, Raz had a great idea, I know of quite a few games that use a banning system similar to this and they are fairing well. He made the right decision by disabling their admin abilities on FeralHeart, he's the only person that helps run this game that actually has a head on his shoulders and knows how to use it. You guys are sad for coming and putting hate on it because you're mod ass kissers, and I honestly don't care if you all block me and get me banned forever because I am already banned for speaking my mind on the TERRIBLE FeralHeart staff (other than Raz), I have always liked and favored him out of the lot of them. He is reasonable and knows how to take care of this game. If you guys are so scared then maybe you should sit and be quite like the good little piggies we all know you can be it isn't that hard, so don't be afraid to lose your accounts and your life on this furry game, it's just a game, not that hard to abide and be actual decent people without your babysittters changing your diapers every five minutes. Not to mention they were useless, half the time they never opened my reports or responded to serious matters, same with my friends and multiple other users. Long live FH, Long live Raz, AUF WIEDERSEHEN FERALHEART MODERATORS SO GLAD THIS IS HAPPENING!!!

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