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Messages - Iscream.

Pages: [1]
Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:01:13 am »
1. Do you keep your FeralHeart business a secret from friends in real life?

Heck yes. I love my two best friends, but they're not the kind of people that would understand what I do on FH and why. Really, I don't think my parents would even understand the concept of roleplaying, even if I explained to them that I simply love writing and this is the best way to improvise and try new things with my techniques. Only one person - one of my cousins - knows what I do, and that's because she's the one who introduced me to games like this.

2. Would you respond if someone called you by your fursona's name in real life?

Um, no. If someone directed one of my character's names at me on purpose I would most likely run away screaming. xD As said above, literally no one knows about my life here with you people. So unless they were someone from here, that is a definite no.

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