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Messages - TheBigBadWolfie

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hiya guys (lul this is kind of late)
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:50:08 pm »
So hiya people of Feralheart, now while I've actually been playing on this game for like.. years now, I don't think I've ever actually made a post introducing myself to the community on the forum, and if I did then I sure don't remember it, and I figured that I might as well join the community that lives on the forum since it's not like it'd hurt.

Anyway you guys can feel free to call me Wolfie, seeing as that that's what most of my friends on here call me. You can probably find me lurking in the plains, advertising in the plains for the RP I'm trying to start up, as well as in Bonfire at times. Literately you guys can find me everywhere. You can also find me on like my two secondary accounts, those being BurningEmbers as well as Embers-Will-Burn (the latter one has a very lame username but I don't care tbh)

Anyway I'll be going and trying to be as active as I can on the forums, since everyone on here seems like such lovely people and I hope you all have a absolutely wonderful day!

I just wanna say thank you to all of you, I'm very proud of this roleplay and seeing all of y'alls positive feedback is certainly reassuring, so once again, thank you all! ^.^

somebody stole the plot so i'm taking this down, to prevent it from happening again.

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