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Messages - Naasari

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Why is Blocking Considered Offensive and Rude?
« on: September 06, 2015, 01:18:16 am »
Most people feel offended because they want to keep up with what a person is doing who they may have gotten into arguments with, I guess it really all depends on the person. And how much they themselves block others and how many people block them. Personally I don't like blocking people, but that's just me. But like others have said it is probably based around how sensitive they are, and it can be considered a personal thing when you block someone.

Game Discussion / Re: Mate Cheating
« on: September 06, 2015, 01:15:46 am »
Personally, I think that if you are looking for a "serious" mate they would be your boyfriend and or girlfriend out of game, but it depends your preference whether you want something serious or not!There are a lot of people who feel obligated to have a mate for every different character, but if they are all roleplay characters, I don't see why not because it is only in roleplay. But out of roleplay, that is a different case I feel.

Game Help / Re: Preset Fix
« on: September 06, 2015, 12:42:46 am »
Like Hooli said, you want to have the files named Preset_8body.jpg if you want to keep it as Hicksbody, you have to go into the coding and change the coding name into Preset_8Hicksbodyright.jpg but to stay organized you would want to keep it Preset_8body.jpg, if you only want it to be a certain part of the body (Right/left side) then you should add "Left" or "right" at the end of the name "Preset_8bodyright.jpg and once again go int othe coding and change "Preset_8body.jpg to Preset_8bodyright.jpg it's a crucial part of preset coding to make sure everything is the same.

The code you specifically half to change will be
specifically the "texture preset_8body.jpg" you would change the preset_8body.jpg part and change it to the name that you want, so it links up with the file that is in the folder.
I really hope this helps!

Game Discussion / Re: Adoption Center & Adoptions
« on: September 05, 2015, 08:38:43 pm »
I feel like Adoption Centers are a good place for new players to find someone to Role-play with, hopefully the person who adopts them actually will RP with them. It sucks that most people who have 'different' characters don't really get picked, and for some it's a big impact on their self-esteem, but don't feel bad about it! You can always find a RP that will accept your character even if it isn't at the Adoption Centers. I remember dabbling in Adoption Centers when I was new to FH! It was quite fun actually, although that "family" didn't last longer then either a few hours or a day. But I think it's a good place for new players to meet each other or to practice some role playing! 

Game Discussion / Re: Well Feralheart Ever End?
« on: September 05, 2015, 08:27:33 pm »
I feel like the community will die off sooner or later, as bigger and better games come out of production; such as Primitive Call, and possibly in the future Aro'kai. Although newer players still will probably linger in FH but sooner or later the majority of people I believe will migrate to these better games.

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: September 05, 2015, 08:19:55 pm »
Some of my friends and my Therapist actually know about Feral Heart, I don't really like to tell people because of how taboo being a furry is in the first place; so telling them I play a game that revolves around animals such as a canine and feline, it's kind of awkward explaining it to them. I usually draw my fursona, and people just ask what I'm drawing and I'm like " Oh! a dog" I don't like to go into too much explanation of what I am drawing when I do get questions.

Game Discussion / Re: How long have you been a feralheart member?
« on: September 05, 2015, 08:16:32 pm »
I have been around since, I believe August 11th 2011? Sometime Around then

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