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Messages - Starsailor

Pages: [1]
Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: July 21, 2017, 12:15:31 am »
Do you keep your FeralHeart business a secret from friends in real life?
I'll admit that I totally do this. It's not really that I'm, hmm, ashamed of it. It's just that I know that if I tell other people about it, they'll just poke fun at something that is actually quite dear to my heart, & I'm not a fan of that. Sometimes I'll show a friend or two art I've made of my characters or whatever, but it's rare that I ever tell anybody outside of Feralheart that I play this game. My friends just simply aren't into role-playing or animals. :P

Would you respond if someone called you by your fursona's name in real life?
Haha, heck yeah. I'd actually be excited, honestly. I love the names that my characters have. {Obviously! I pick them} Although I do like my name irl, I personally don't think it fits me all that well, so it would be a neat change.

Introduction / Re: Back, it feels like forever! lol
« on: July 21, 2017, 12:09:42 am »
Heyy, welcome back!  ;)
I can totally relate with you on the whole "being shy" thing. Up until about a year ago, I was very veryy much in my shell, so to speak,
 haha. Glad that you came back, though! :) I hope that you have fun revisiting Feralheart! ♡

Game Discussion / Re: Have you ever had a dream about Feral Heart?
« on: July 20, 2017, 06:25:03 am »
Oh my gosh, hahaha. Totally! I've had countless dreams of FH, having played since '12. but, hmm. The only one that I can like clearly remember if that I was playing online with my group of friends at the time {we were in a cat clan together as well}
 & we were arguing over who had the fluffiest character or something silly like that, & we were spazzing around in Fluorite, & kept accidentally falling into the Y-river.  ::) haha

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